Law of Attraction

A few months ago, I joined a meet up group about the law of attraction, something I have believed in for a long time. Probably over 10 years or more. The Bible says it this way, “you reap what you sow”. In other words if you put forth anger and hate into the world, that’s what you get back. If you put forth love and peace, you get that back. If you lie, people will lie to you, If you criticize others, you too will be criticized. And so on. You get the idea.

A while back I read a book by Esther Hicks called Asked and it is Given. Supposedly she channels these books from a being named Abraham. I don’t know all about that, but the stuff she says and writes is pretty right on. Of course it can work both ways. If you constantly see lack, that’s what you get back. If you complain, you will get more to complain about. Etc. etc.

It is also the way you feel about yourself that makes a difference. If you feel unworthy, you are not open to receive love, kindness  wealth and other good things. The things you say to yourself makes a huge difference in how your life unfolds.

Here’s a personal example. I had severe road rage for many years. Someone was always cutting me off, riding my bumper, or going 20 below the limit in the left lane. Middle fingers and swear words would come forth readily every single day.  Then one day I said to myself, hey wait a minute, maybe I am attracting all these bad drivers to me. I decided to change my attitude. I stopped flipping the bird and swearing at other drivers. In fact I just had a completely neutral feeling about it, not good or bad. To my surprise, suddenly after a few days, i realized that I wasn’t getting cut off anymore. Everything went smoothly. I took responsibility for my reaction (or lack thereof) to bad drivers. To this day, I have no issues with bad drivers. If I see any I don’t take it personally. I just let them go by, not wishing them ill just allowing them to leave my space safely. It works.

I have many other examples of things like this happening to me. It was my change in my attitude that made the difference.



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