Life in the time of corona virus

Hi everyone! I’m still here.

The good news is that I finally got my first Social Security deposit. It’s a good chunk of money because it went back to when I applied back in December. Now I am waiting for my tax refunds of about $1000. Most of the money is someone else’s as I have been borrowing money from people to pay my bills for the last few months so…but at least I got it finally. So I should be able to pay my bills and also get some debt down. Won’t be much left afterwards but it is what it is.

The bad news is everything is closed and no one is going out. They stopped sports, the schools are closed and now the governor of Illinois just announced that they are closing down restaurants for the next 2 weeks at least. Take out and delivery are still OK but no one can stay in the building except the workers. At least they are not laying everyone off but the servers will suffer. My one daughter works at a restaurant and now she is worried that she won’t have any money to pay her bills. I told her she can file for unemployment while the place is closed but she is still upset. This thing is just becoming crazy. Better safe than sorry I guess but wow it seems extreme. I am still working for the moment but spas may close down too especially if people start getting sick. So that’s not good for me either. Guess a lot of people will cancel their appointments in the coming days and weeks. So it was a good thing I got my money when I did because I should be ok for at least a month. My other daughter is working from home and the one who lives with me does delivery service so she is going to be busy! I guess we will get through it somehow.

My daughter and I just invested in a new computer tower. Our hard drive blew up about 6 months ago but neither of us could afford a new one. We were using a crappy old lap top which was so bad, we had to keep it plugged in because the battery was shot. So we both went half on it because she just got her tax refund. So there’s that. Now I can start writing my book at last. Since we are not able to go out and do anything, it’s the perfect time. I also had the good fortune to meet an ex pro football player at the spa who is interested in Reiki and he is going to help me secure a venue so I can teach classes. I have been hoping to meet someone like this for a while. My massage days are coming to an end so this is my future. I am pretty excited about it. As much as I loved massage, it is taking its toll on me. 15 years is enough. I’ve also got others things in the works too. I am excited to start this new journey.

So that’s pretty much what’s been happening with me. I hope you all are doing well, stay healthy and wash your hands!



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March 16, 2020

We will all get threw this and then in 6 months wonder why we were behaving like maniacs?

March 17, 2020

I’m so happy your SS money showed up and hope the Reiki opportunity works out for you.