Martial law?

I’ve heard rumors of them imposing martial law, I am guessing in states that have the most cases, like California and New York. Florida too because the dumb governor didn’t close the beaches for Spring Break. Sheesh. People really need to take this seriously. We don’t want to end up like Italy and we are at the tipping point right now.

I’m worried about having enough food. I ran to Walgreens and got some stuff to tide us over for maybe a week. Canned goods, pasta and sauce, cheese, beverages, etc. We can still go out but everything is pretty much closed. If we can’t go out, we might be in trouble. No work, no money, when are we getting those stimulus checks again? And I’m down to 2 rolls of TP with none to be found. eek!

Plus the weather is crappy so we can’t even go outside and walk around. We are pretty much stuck in our apartment. It’s depressing but what can we do? We just got to ride it out. I think in terms of the old days when there wasn’t any electricity, TV, Radio, music, or the internet to amuse us. People played games, told stores, read books, sang and danced, drank and had sex a lot I guess lol. Well sex is out for me lol. I am going to be doing a lot of reading and writing again which is fine with me. I can keep myself entertained for the most part. But for how long? No one seems to know.

It’s all very scary but I think this is our wake up call. We think we are safe here because all the stuff seems to happen “over there”. Well of course no one is safe now because people travel from country to country in hours rather than days or weeks or months. And there are too many people. The earth cannot support all the people here. So I think Mother Nature has a way of weeding out the sick, poor and vunerable. It may sound cruel but it has to happen periodically. History has shown us that. There have been plagues and pandemics every 100 years or so. This one looks to be very bad, some of the others weren’t as bad. We all just have to hope for the best.

Well time for lunch, stay healthy all!



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March 19, 2020

I think this won’t be as bad as what once was but then those who are considered to be the weaker ones will defiantly have major issues but then this is how these kinds of things work….It’s like the animal kingdom…those who are the strongest survive and those who are the weakest die…..The circle of life….