11 Weeks Today – Let the gossip begin.

11 weeks! Yay!  29 weeks (OR LESS) to go.  I anticipate the true estimate is 27 – 28 weeks to go.  I simply cannot wait to meet her.

Small town living is THE BEST.  Not really, but whatever.  The building I work in during the day has a variety of mainly state offices.  There is an attorney and dentist.  The rest is state – myself, CPS, gambling unit, fire something, etc.  Minding my own business and go to use the bathroom.  As I’m heading back to my office I run into the supervisor for CPS and she says “Oh, hey, I hear congratulations are in order.”.  I just look at her cluelessly – Ummmm, why?  Oh, someone told me it was.  Okay, thanks, who?  Just someone.  So, when’s the month this will be happening?  It depends what you’re congratulating me on…. And I walked away with a final “thanks” over my shoulder.

Seriously, I really haven’t told anyone that matters.  The number of people that know are probably on one hand, missing a few fingers.  The only assumption I can come up with is her husband is a Physical Therapist at the hospital and he heard it at work.  Yeah, I know, that’s a HIPAA violation, blah, blah.  I’ll be the first to say, HIPAA doesn’t really exist much in a small town hospital.  I feel like it never has.  I always know things I shouldn’t know – I keep them to myself though and don’t repeat.  When I call to schedule the scheduling girls always give me a million questions.  When I go to appointments I run into numerous people while waiting for ultrasounds, etc.  You KNOW they talk.  I heard forever ago that when you’re an OB patient your name is on a list that goes to the hospital so they can plan for staffing when there are a lot of due dates or no due dates for certain months/weeks.  This goes early so they can also be prepared if you go to the ER for any issues.  Again, you KNOW they talk.  I realized the other day TikTok shows who has viewed your profile – I’ve interestingly had a couple spouses of hospital workers look at mine lately, plus some that I know work at the hospital.  Again, you KNOW they’re talking.  I could complain, but there is no point.  I have no idea who actually said what to who and just assume everyone’s said something to someone.  (Minus my amazing nurse who likes to talk about how much HIPAA sucks with me and has given me ways to call and schedule without dealing with the a million questions of the stupid schedule girls.)

This just further cements – I do have to tell those that need to hear it from us sooner than later.  I thought I had time and could pass off my weight gain as too much food.  But, if she’s heard I’d assume more have heard.  I don’t overly care as I play stupid well BUTTTT, there are some people that should probably hear it from us and not the rumor mill.  Just waiting for next weeks ultrasound and then I guess announcing this sweet baby’s pending arrival will be next.

The nausea has been somewhat better the last couple days.  It’s gone for the most part and isn’t bad.  Then it hits and oh, boy, it’s just as bad as ever – if not worse.  So, it’s shorter time but more intense when it happens.  I’m getting closer to the 2nd Trimester so hopefully it keeps getting better.  Of course, I panic when I feel better and have to remind myself the placenta will be taking over any day and that means my symptoms will be getting better.  Six days until that ultrasound.  I cannot wait.  I need the reassurance.  Energy wise I’m still pretty freaking tired.  I’ve been battling some kind of cold for days though and that is NOT helping.

Last night I finally did something productive…. I’ve saved sooooo many boys clothes all these years.  It’s ridiculous.  I had tote upon tote of boys stuff from like 0 – 12 months. I went through 4 totes last night and took out the few gender neutral things that existed and the couple outfits that were important and bagged up the rest.  I’m pretty positive I will NOT be doing this again.  As much as I had hoped to have a sibling for this baby close in age – I cannot do it.  Not biologically.  So, there are no reasons to keep all the boys clothes when I’m having a baby girl.  I’m giving it ALL to a new foster parent that has a brand new tiny baby boy.  I’ve got a couple totes left I think.

After that I plan to relabel the totes and begin putting baby girl’s random clothes in it.  I’ve begun filling up her closet already with cute outfits.  However, I’m not hanging up things like sleepers, onesies, etc.  I’m also a bargain shopper so I’ve bought Newborn – 3 months from someone for cheap and have a ton of these that I need to put somewhere.  So I plan to make totes for her.  Preemie/Newborn.  0 – 3 months.  3 – 6 months.  6 – 9 months. 12+ months.  So, I need 5 totes and I think I’ve got that many.  So, progress one step at a time.

I plan to make a list of what needs to be done so I can slowly cross shit off.  Crossing shit off makes me happy.  There’s a lot to do.  A lot is easy, but every step adds up.  Plus, some Max has to do.  He’s a chronic procrastinator that NEEDS lists and deadlines.  I’m learning though if I tell him I’m going to do the heavy stuff he does it much faster.  (Though, I’m now realizing I can’t do all I used to be able to – I was super sore after carting around my 4 heavy totes and 4 heavy bags.)

That’s about it for today regarding baby and pregnancy.

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September 21, 2023

So happy to read things are still going well.  I love buying baby stuff…I miss that.  I have four grand babies now, though, so I do still get to buy some.

Yep, there’s not much that can be done about small town gossip.  Our town is so bad…nothing is secret here.