

Clothing item/outfit of the year: Punk Rock Day Camp Shirt and Jeans
Hairstyle of the year: Up in a ponytail and then up again with a clip in it
Jewelery of the year: Again my ‘A’ necklace and my rings
Makeup product of the year: Black eyeliner and pink eyeshadow
Colors of the year: Pink
Hottie of the year: PETE

…Daily life…

Food of the year: This chicken thing that Hallana made me
Drink of the year: Vanilla Pepsi
Class of the year: Swimming
Appliance of the year: Stereo
Recreational activity of the year: Swimming
Best means of communication of the year: CELL PHONE!!
Most despised means of communication: Talking through other people

Gift of the year: Having Pete call Christmas day
Holiday of the year: New Years Day
Memorable moment/s of the year: Been with Pete for a year and a half…kissing when the ball dropped on New Years Eve of 2004…graduating, and going to college
Person who had the biggest impact on you: Pete, my friends and Grami
Miracle/blessing of the year: Pete is my miracle


Embarrassing moment of the year: Too many…
Health issue of the year: Weight control
Fetish of the year: My hair
Phobia of the year: The dark
Crush of the year: Pete
Month of the year: September 20thÂ….the day I turned 18 and August 27th the day I started college

Old friend of the year: Whitney
New friends of the year: Chris, Homer, Gordon
Best friend of the year: Whitney and Pete
Love interest of the year: Pete

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December 27, 2004

Awww my grandpas name was Homer! đŸ™‚


December 29, 2004

hey, i’m stealing this survey! glad things r goin good w/ u n pete! stay happy