3 days = DATE NIGHT! Oh my here we go…

Ok so I don’t know if you guys watch The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien, I don’t, but I was channel surfing last night and seen his interview with Kristen Stewart. [I HATE how they call her KStew. Enough already. It all gets traced back to when Jennifer Lopez came out with her nick name thinger J-Lo. Now everything has a nick name. It’s so annoying. Had to get that out there.] Anyways, I laughed my face off. If you didn’t see, scroll down and pause the music and watch this interview. Even if ya did see it and want to see it again, more power to ya.

Anyways, Pat and I are going on a date in 3 days. We are going to see New Moon on Friday. Dinner is still in the air. Not sure if we’re going to do dinner and a movie. But at least we’re doing something together seeing that our marriage just seems to be in a shitty area at the moment. Still nothing on the wedding ring front. He’s still being an ass and not helping at all with either the kids or the apartment. I’m still competing with that fucking game. His new bed time is 4am now instead of 6am. He’s been coming home from work a lot. This pay check he’ll be missing 3 days worth. I’m use to seeing a little over a $1,000 pay check ever 2 weeks, we’ll be luck if it touches $700. He came home yesterday to do nothing but lay around and play online. He did however play “nice daddy” and played with the twins while I was cooking dinner. I just did last nights dinner dishes a couple hours ago. This exhaustion is going to kill me.

Enough on that. My mom and I are gonna do some Christmas shopping next Tuesday. She’s going to take her lay-way off at K-Mart [us kids finally got the Wii.] and she’s putting a new one on. Me, I’m buying out right because I can’t depend on Pat staying at work.

Speaking of work. So, as you all know I have my hand/wrist injury from Tops. Well last Wednesday I had my monthly visit with the Orthopedic surgeon. HE FUCKING RELEASED ME! I haven’t had anything done to my hand/wrist because Tops will NOT approve anything. I haven’t had any nerve testing, no therapy, nothing. I go see these doctor once a month to let them know how I’m doing and they tell me the same thing. That they can’t do anything for me because nothing is being approve. Anyways, the Ortho. came in, stood in front of the door, proceeded to call me darlin’ and dear, didn’t LOOK at my hand/wrist, [I had my hoodie on] and told me he was releasing me to go back to work. What the fuck is this shit? The best part is the restriction. NO USE OF RIGHT HAND. I left the doctor in tears. I have nothing against going back to work, but I can’t hold anything, I can’t bend my it, typing is a FOREVER task [I’m always stopping to flex my fingers] it falls asleep, the swelling is going up my arm, the other lump under the swelling is still there, I can feel veins that I can’t even see due to the swelling, and I can feel it in my elbow. But I can go back to work?! I went and seen Dr. Manfred [he is the doctor my PCP sent me to seeing my PCP doesn’t deal with workers comp. stuff] and Dr. Manfred agrees with me. I have no work capacity. He kept me out of work. I got home that Friday after seeing Dr. Manfred and not even 10 minutes after I walked in the door the phone is ringing and it was Dr. Manfred. He feels seeing that Dr. Alexander [the Ortho.] is a specialist, that his diagnoses will have more weight on the judge than his and that I should go find a job. I balled my face off. This morning I called the Ortho. back and told them I want a second opinion with the DOCTOR I’M SUPPOSE TO SEE. They said fine so I go in on Friday to see my actual doctor…the on that took me out of work to begin with. When I first started going to the Ortho. I seen Alexander first and he gave me the restrictions of no pushing, pulling, lifting, gripping, blah, blah, blah. From then on I seen Dr. Supinski and he took me out of work completely and that’s the doctor that the lawyers and the judge has the medical note from. Why I seen Alexander and why he released me when he wasn’t the one who took me out completely is beyond me.

I called my lawyer about what happened that Wednesday and he said to go with what Dr. Manfred says, but if he agrees with Alexander than I have no choice. To hell with that. I also asked him if he’s heard anything about the appeal[s] yet. He said no and that on average clients won’t hear anything for 6 months. That puts us in MARCH before I could hear something. I told this to Dr. Manfred and he suggested that I call the Workers Comp. Board myself to find out what the hell is going on. He said the only time he’s ever heard of that is if the case gets sent to Albany. I don’t know where the case went. I’m not sure if it went to Rochester or Albany. I’ll have to do that tomorrow.

I also call the dentist today. I have an appointment with them Monday morning. My first time going in 2 years. Seeing I didn’t have the insurance I made sure I took extra special care of my teeth. When I brush my teeth it takes 15 minutes and I do it in the morning and before I go to bed. I floss, pre-rinse, brush and rinse again. My teeth seem to be in worse shape now then when I just occasionally flossed and brushed daily. On the left side on the top there is pain so bad that I can feel it pulsating and the pain with travel up the left side of my face into my left eye and into my left ear. When I was explaining this to the lady she thinks I have an infection. I told her that I was going to rip all my teeth out myself if I don’t get in ASAP. They could have gotten me in tomorrow, however it’s at 2:45. Pat leave for work between 3 and 3:15. So seeing it’s my first visit to a new dentist I have no clue how long it’ll take so the next available was Monday. I said fine. I’ll just keep coating that side of my with Orajel. [I have that Orajel PM stuff. Makes me gag. It’s like a paste that smells and tastes like Pepto. Ugh.]

Next on my list of appointments will be the eye doctor. I found a new place to go that’s closer to home instead of going a half hour out of the way to see some old dude who should be on his death bed. A little unknown fact that you guys didn’t know about me is I’ve spent a lot of my younger life seeing the eye doctor. My right eye was lazy. My mom did the patch daily and corrected it. I thank her daily for that.

Twins are completely back to normal. No more cough or runny nose. Still getting up way to early in my book, but hey, when you’re the only one that does anything around here and are dead tired by 12 in the afternoon, everything is too early for me. Owen figured out a new sentence. He’ll come up to me and go “Mommy, what you do?”Plus, he’ll call for either Pat or I and before we can say what he has already said it. It’s so funny. Riley is good too. My little Miss Independent. “More? More?” That’s her new thing. She is also determined to do everything herself. She likes to brush what little hair she has. If there is a wonsie in the hamper she’ll pull it out and try and button the snaps. She LOVES putting her sneakers on herself. 60-40 percent of the time she puts them on the right foot.

Well I think that’s it for the time being. I’m tired, so I’m gonna go do my teeth, take my medicines and go to bed. Until next time…toodles.

♥ Amanda

Amanda Keyser
amanda keyser
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November 18, 2009

What you dont like Brangelina? lol. jk. KStew really? So would Robert Pattinson be RPat? weird.

November 18, 2009

That’s really horrible about your appointment. I hope you get a better second opinion.

I hate the nickname thing too.. I cant wait to see New Moon!