Stop the World…

The time between the start of a school day and the end of a school day seemed like a lifetime when I was a school kid.  I never started liking school until 8th grade, when I finally found a home.

Today, a whole school year passes by before I realize it.  I know that the passage of time is relative to how long we’ve been here, but somehow, since I’ve turned 50, I feel like the little hole in my hour glass has expanded exponentially, and time is no longer trickling out.  It’s dumping so fast, it’s hard to breathe.

My dad passed away on June 3 of 2021.  It still sneaks up on me and breaks my heart all over again.  “Father’s day is around the corner…”  Oh, yeah! I think,  I’ve got to… oh… no… I don’t.  💔

If that weren’t enough, Opie, my beautiful 14 year old mutt who was born into my hands, and was my reason for getting up when I was too sick to properly take care of myself, is showing his age.  His back legs are really giving him grief, in the morning.  We have laminate floors, and he can’t get traction.  I’ve ordered some runners, but this morning, he dragged his back half to the front door, and I felt like a horrible dog mom for putting him through that.  I have a harness for his rear, but I can’t get it on him, myself, and now I’m just grouchy and rambling.

The worst is that my mom’s been in the hospital for over a week. She’s got fluid around her heart and lungs. She’s already talking like she doesn’t think she’ll ever get out. On top of that, she’s got two adult granddaughters and their families living in the house with her, but only one of them cleans up after themselves and both scream a lot. She doesn’t need the stress.

I hate living here in Reno.  It’s at least three hours to get to see anyone I love.  It’s an exhausting drive, and I still have young nieces and nephews whose life I want to play a larger role in.  I hate that in the winter, we never know if we’ll make it to Christmas because the weather is unpredictable.  And the only reason we live here is that Drew hates California’s gun laws.  He says it’s too expensive, but so is everything else.
Gas is way more expensive here than in the Sacramento Valley.  I could probably pick up a job that I could actually do if I was back in the school districts than know me.

I also hate living in someone else’s property.  Before we moved to North Carolina, I had my own home.  It was perfect for me.  It had a huge yard, good neighbors, and I could afford it.  Now we live in an apartment, which is nice, but we have to have our garage cleaned out by the end of the month so we can park both vehicles.  We should be able to get it done in time, but it annoys the fuck out of me that someone can threaten my home because of where I park.

Most of my mood is due to the fact that one of my nephews is here to help with the garage.  It’s 12:40PM, and I’m the only conscious human in the house.

And that’s your Channel Whine News for this afternoon, Saturday, June 17, 2023.

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June 17, 2023

It seems like it is expensive everywhere. Though I remember from when I was in California that gas in Colorado was about $2 cheaper.

I am sorry about Opie. Have you seen those little sticky pads you can put on their paws? I am not sure if they work well or if they are worth it. I know what your dogs have meant to you.

I hope that your mom recovers. It might be hard but try to be optimistic when talking to her. It’s one of those things I read about when my dad had colon cancer. How the mood of the people in the support system has an impact.

June 17, 2023

@heffay she called me right after I posted this.  She sounds much more upbeat in person than she does online, so I feel much better.
Thanks for your support.  I really do appreciate how you’re there for me when I need to vent.  💝

June 19, 2023

Yeah, even though I was born and raised in Ventura County (except for a short stint to Santa Barbara County), I landed in Fresno after living in Iceland for 7 years.  EGODS, FRESNOOOOOO!!  It is the Meth capital of the world, and I’m not kidding.  Look it up on YouTube.  I would look outside the security gates to see Tweakers to my left and Tweakers to my right.  I practically needed a guard just to leave my apartment complex.

Which is exactly why I now live in WA state – still liberal and still a place I can be very very happy.  If I could actually get up out of bed and do a happy dance, I would do so although in my case, it would probably just bring more rain.  🙂

I have an ex who lives in Reno.  He loves it there and the desert is his friend.  He goes out in it all the time, tramping around taking amazing photos.  (If you’re into all brown all the time.)

I hope you get a chance to get your garage cleaned out and to visit with your nephews and nieces.  Family truly is everything on this earth.