Too Much T

Sorry it took me so long to get back to this.  We’re gearing up to move in July, so everything feels so rushed, now.

Ok, so here’s the story….

I had a doctor’s appointment early, yesterday morning.  I didn’t sleep well, so I got up about 7:00 AM to get a couple of things done before we left.  I had some time to kill before we headed out the door so I started skimming Facebook.  That’s when I saw that my friend had shared this meme.

I doubt that I really need to point this out to anyone, but not only does it play into some really ridiculous male stereotypes, but it’s called “THICK,” for goodness sake.  And if you want to get really philosophical, it’s not just THICK, but it’s D Thick.

Gee.  Are we compensating for something?

The friend that posted it said that their site was even worse, so I looked.  It did not disappoint my low expectations.   As you can see in the image to the left, “men” need to be able to crush other men’s fingers to prove their manliness.  Working out at gyms is for girls.

I’d like to think this is all a joke, but given the current temperature of the nation, I doubt it is.  But that was just annoying.

As we were driving to my appointment, a song came on.  It’s a song called “Let it Go,” by Def Leppard.  Drew told me to listen to look up the lyrics to the song, and see if I could tell what it was about.

I don’t feel like posting the whole song, but you can read the first stanza and know exactly what the song is about.

“Cool woman, cool eyes
You got me hypnotized
So head down, get a rhythm
Stop your stalling and your bitching
I’m rock steady, I’m still shaking
I’m ready for the taking
So make your move, yeah, make me
And get ready for the big ‘C'”

If you aren’t sure, this song is a guy demanding that a woman go down on him (aka blow job).

I was pretty disgusted when I realized that.  I’ve always liked Def Leppard, though I kinda got burnt out on them after “Hysteria.”  So Drew told me that they wrote it when they were teenagers.  At first that made me feel a little better, but that line, “stop your stalling and your bitching,” really turned my stomach.

In case you don’t know this, a woman is not obligated to give a man a blow job, or have sex, or kiss him, or even hug him.  Even if he is your husband, he doesn’t have the right to brow beat you into doing something that you don’t feel like doing.  If he says something like “stop your stalling” tell him to go fuck himself.  Sex is a two way street.  If you don’t like something or are afraid to try it, a partner should respect that.  “Stop your bitching” demonstrates the complete opposite of that.

Drew was kind of sorry he’d brought it up, because I couldn’t shut up about it.  He kept telling me that they were in high school.  I said, “Oh, so boys will be boys?”

He had nothing to say.  I said, Ok.  They wrote it when they were teenagers.  they are now in their 60’s and they still sing it.”  He had to recognize that this is yet another example of rape culture in our society.

And that’s why I was completely over testosterone by 9 AM, yesterday.

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May 14, 2020

yeah. Testosterone is an easy thing to get too much of… so many men seem to lack it that they overkill with song lyrics and handshakes eh?

May 14, 2020

There are a selected few who are really good men and are very considerate of all women…My hubby is one and Drew is the other….

May 14, 2020

Hey, it’s important to be a man! We like fucking, we like meat, and we like wagging our wieners at everything. That’s male culture! How dare you try to erase our culture?! Next you’ll be saying that we need to do things like go to a doctor after we get shot in the face or stabbed in the gut, like some weakling. I’ll be fine if I just wrap a dirty shirt on the wound and eat a rare steak and rare chicken. I love the taste of blood! Anyway, I need to go to a strip club so I can give money to a hot babe to not have sex with me! BECAUSE I’M A MAN! I just took a shower and used sawdust as my soap and bleach as my shampoo.

Was I too subtle? Did I make it too hard to tell that I’m not serious?

May 14, 2020

@heffay Can I adopt you? 💖

May 14, 2020

@oniongirl Yes, you may. I forgot I was going to ask you a question. I’m sending you a message on Messenger, ok?

May 26, 2020

That meme really irritates me. To me, the Def Leppard song is just a song. That’s mainly because of some of the music that I grew up on, but I cam understand your sensitivities towards the song, and the feeling that sex must be consensual.