I’ve Found Her!

I used Truthfinder.com to perform a search with what little information I had about my sister.  I knew her first name and was pretty certain that I knew her middle name.  I suspected she was born in 1980, due to a single message I found posted in search of our biological father in 2003.  Her username was Samsara1980.  Finally, during that unfortunate call with Donal, he gave me her middle name.  Given the fact that he has called me Jenny and repeatedly comments about the time in Georgia, thinking that’s where I live, I just used the middle initial and year of birth.

It spit out the name of a woman who is the right age, was born in a place that I know Donal lived, and her middle name was the same as the name Donal had told me.  Among the contact details was an email address for a legal clinic.  I checked their website for staff, and found that this person was still listed as an attorney at their organization.  There were pictures of all of them, except my sister.

In any case, I sent an email to that address.  I never heard anything back.  I thought it was possible that my message got caught in a spam filter, so after a week, I sent a second email to a couple of different addresses.  I sent them around 9:00 last night.  At 3:00 AM, I got up to use the bathroom.  When I got back, I checked my mail.  I had a reply!!!

I wrote back and told her that I do understand and that I’m here when she’s ready.

I thought I’d be more excited, but I feel a little sad.  She’s needed me, and I haven’t been able to be there for her.  I hope she doesn’t make me wait long.  Being a good big sister is the first goal I ever had, and it’s never fallen off my list.  💖

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May 15, 2020

I’m glad you got a response. I hope that after time, you guys can talk more. I’m sure there are a lot of emotions for both of you right now.

Can’t believe he got your name wrong.

May 15, 2020

I am so glad that she has connected to you…Now the relationship can become stronger.  Congratulations!!!!!

May 15, 2020

Nice!  I understand her position very well.  Take her on her word, she needs time to process it.  That’s not about you at all.  It’s that she has to have the time and energy to open up space in her world.  She’s probably got a very careful structure in her life and doesn’t want to upset that proverbial Apple cart.  Just hold that love you have for her and be patient.  And don’t be upset if the amount of time she needs is really long.  Hope for the best, prepare for lemon tarts.  And if the best comes through, you get a new dish.

May 15, 2020

@elcreature I know it’s not about me.  I desperately want a relationship with her.  But mostly, I just wanted her to know I’m out here.

May 15, 2020

Good on you! 😀

May 15, 2020

You made the connection. Now it just takes time. Just breathe and allow her to process. She sounds intelligent and reasonable. Well done!!!

May 15, 2020

That is really great news.

May 26, 2020

I think that Kendra will fond out that she’s lucky to have you as her older sister, if she lets you get close.