Photography is seeing deeply into the nature of things as you explore small corners of the universe

Photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which give that event its proper expression.  I believe that, through the act of living, the discovery of one’s self is made concurrently with the discovery of the world around us which can mold us, but which can also be affected by us.  A balance must be established between these two worlds — the one inside us and the one outside us.  As result of a constant reciprocal process, both these worlds come to form a single one.  And it is this world that we must communicate.


Henri Cartier-Bresson, 20th century photographer

Photography is 90 percent seeing and 10 percent photographing…

John Fielder, nature photographer


I may not have been able to make photography my life’s work and profession, but it has been my lifelong passion,  more so now than ever since I have been taking pictures digitally since 2008. Before they it was all film for decades, the old-fashioned way.

I believe I am a kindred spirit with many of the street, Nature and documentary photographers I have studied and admired for years. I have felt this way about a number of photographers over the years.

Although I concentrate on Nature, I am interested in many other types of photography. All the different schools and branches of photography are not that different, in my view, at the root of it all in terms of how I go about making pictures of a wide variety of subjects, and how I increasingly look for the abstract designs, fractals and patterns in both Nature and man-made objects. Also, I carefully note signs, abandoned or incongruously placed objects, and the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated elements in a photo composition.

This illustrates, in part, the way in which I “see” the world, and by this I mean using the camera as an extension of the eye and all its visual powers combined with intuition, deep feeling and emotion, and reverence for Nature.   Truly living for me involves photographing the physical world near and all around me, and of never tiring of this pursuit and avocation.   Each picture I take is an event that has great significance for it becomes, in my captured image, something as nearly permanent as anything I can know or create.   And as Cartier-Bresson said, I discover more about myself, and re-affirm my values and core feelings as I perpetually discover the world around me through photography.   In one way or another this has been going on all my life, at least since my early 20s.

I have been producing a series of photo books called “Photographic Visions,” in which I select seemingly random groups of 30 or more photographs to permanently endure in book form rather than be stored digitally in the Cloud or on my phone. Looking through a book of my pictures gives me much more of a sense of happiness and accomplishment than scrolling through them on my phone. I guess I’m still old-fashioned in that way, and with the Internet, self-publishing is possible for anyone.

Here is a set of pictures they will go into my next book. For now I don’t sell or market these books, but rather produce them for myself and to give away to friends and family. That suffices for now.

Photographic Visions

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June 15, 2023

You have a really good eye. I love your pictures!

June 16, 2023

@startingover_1 Thank you so much for these kind words. You know how much I love photography!  🙂

June 17, 2023

Each photograph is terrific. My cousin has his photography on smugmug site. Where would I go to check on making a book? 😎

June 17, 2023

@tracker2020 Thank you for that nice compliment!   You should check out

Ive been using the site for years.  The easiest method is to create 7×7 hardcover books, 20-80 pages.  These are pricey, but it’s worth it to me. I can do every thing on my phone at that size.  Takes just minutes. All the instructions are at the Web site.

June 17, 2023

I love that saying that photography is 90 percent seeing and 10 percent photographing…love it!

I agree that it’s more fun to look at a book of pictures than to scroll and look at them.  That’s why I have been ordering the Facebook social books.  They put everything that I’ve posted on Facebook into a hardback book that I can sit and look through.  I love being able to do that.

I love all your pictures, especially the flower ones and the one where you are looking up at the bridge.  That one is so cool.  Thanks for sharing them with us.

June 17, 2023

@happyathome Thank you!! Yes, it’s so true that photography is 90 percent seeing.  That’s why I don’t worry, or even think much about cameras, equipment, and technique.  The image and composition are everything to me because that’s what tells the story within the photo, or excites the viewer enough to make them want to not only look at the picture,  but even study it, and reflect on its beauty and what it has to say.  I love that! 🙂