It can seem futile

It can seem futile 

Any endeavour

It can seem broken in purpose 

And coloured by my sense of self

I can seem Sisyphean the task

But so many have completed it. 

I write to show you I love you

I write to let my heart breathe and flutter her wings 

Otherwise she would be couped up and a stranger

And time would pass and no one would know

Furthermore you would not know that each step I take I take with your name written on my feet 👣 

Every breath I take without it whispering your name is the greatest tragedy. 

I have to write to fight. I have to write to love. 

I have to write to understand and keep my head above the water. 

The waters are deep and repetitive 

It’s their repetition that makes them dangerous

I used to feel so uncomfortable I couldn’t do this

But now I can find peace. 

Isn’t that something? 

There are so many worries I don’t have now I know you. My existence has been justified. My plate has been filled even though I can’t always see that clearly. 

I love you so dearly. My dearest friend. My reason for living. 

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