Misadventurns part x of n

Tuesday, 17th December 2019

Dear Diary,

So today was a successful chaos, chaos which turned out fine to the point i’m a lil manic Psychologist came to see me, she is going to refer me for DBT. She was kinda supposed to come on Thursday or least thats what I was told. I managed to get to Liverpool in time for the Occupational health(OH) appointment the nurse there said she didn’t think I was fit for work yet and she’d review me in January. Honestly I’m releaved and the appointment wasn’t as nearly as bad or pressured as I feared it might be.

I did some shopping in Liverpool on my way back bought books I really liked over the year to give to others. bought envelops and glitter which i will try to put to use tomorrow. I got on the wrong train back and ended up in Preston, fortunatly I have a couple of friends who live near there and they were willing to meet up we had dinner at a pub which was nice plus I hadn’t seen either of them in a while and I was getting worried about the state of that friendship so its a great relief that everything seemed OK: also it made the HTT person laugh; who rang me to check up on me about the OH appointment after my panic yesterday.

Gonna investigate making willow, my web server work again for my wordpress instance: wanted to insert abbreiations here.. it appears like this site doesn’t let me. tis a far-cry to what open diary used to be,

Dreaming in darkness,

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