The Secret Superpower of the Inebriated


So I don’t know if you noticed it or not, but I sounded exhausted in my entry on 11/8. I seemed to have glossed right over the better part of a wild weekend by simply saying, “Vegas was vegas.” I didn’t realize it until rereading the entry recently, but in retrospect, it shone through loudly and clearly.

 The fact of the matter is that I had reached a level of burnout that was previously unprecedented. I was fucking TIRED. My summer was wild and crazy and out of control. It first struck me the night of my friend Leslie’s wedding. I chose sleep over an extremely rambunctious, hardbodied blonde who promised me sex if I would get up and party with her “just a little longer.”

I know, I know.


So after I got back from San Diego, I climbed up on the wagon. I needed a serious breather. No booze. No smokes. No prowling. Since that time, I’ve tied one on twice (New Year’s Eve, and the weekend before Mardi Gras). And even then, it was nothing like the old days. I’ve been taking it easy.


I have managed to go out with some regularity, and remain stone sober. And outside of the normal observations (that it sucks, that everything looks different, etc.), I recently became acutely aware of an uncanny ability that my intoxicated bretheren and sisteren seem to display when under the influence.  That is:


Drunk people have the uncanny ability to determine, within the first 5-7 seconds of greeting you, whether or not you have been drinking.


This superpower is most prevalent in the “casual” or “amateur” boozer. St. Patrick’s Day is one of those drinking holidays where you basically have to get started at the crack of dawn with the drinking. If you don’t take the day off of work, you’re forever playing catch-up to everyone else. And they can tell you haven’t been at it all day. And they want to rub it in your face that they’ve been drinking since 6 a.m. It’s like a Pod’s ability to spot a non-Pod in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” They know, people. And they’ll screech as loud as they can to let everyone else know: “Hey! Why aren’t you drinking?”


A sophisticated drunkard, by contrast, will recognize that you’re sober and not say anything. But they know just as fast.


I was celebrating mom’s birthday with the rest of the family on Saturday night. We’d had dinner, and were gathered at a small watering hole downtown. The time was fast approaching midnight, and I had happy feet. I was ready to move along. Mark had been lured into being Designated Driver for some girlfriends of ours who were celebrating a birthday party. Throughout the night, he had been  sending me text messages with the promise of “tons of hot chicks” at his location.  So eventually, I broke away from the herd, and headed to Shangri-La.


Well, as it turns out, Mark was full of shit. He swore up and down that they WERE in attendance, in much the same way you might tell a six-year-old that he JUST missed seeing the Easter Bunny hop out the front door. But the truth was he was bored out of his mind.


The birthday girl spotted me almost instantly, and shouted out “DUKE!” And then, the girls were upon me. “Why aren’t you drinking?” they asked, almost in unison. And I hadn’t even squeezed out a “Hello”! Then, they set about psychoanalyzing the situation the way you might scrutinize a person who attends church but isn’t praying.

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Recognition of said superpower might seem inconsequential, trivial, or useless. But I think I’ve found the perfect use: Sobriety Checkpoints. I’ve gone so far as to update a typical Checkpoint Announcement:


There will be signs placed in advance of the checkpoint site and officers will be on the street directing traffic. Motorists will be directed to a location where an individual with a blood alcohol level of .10 or higher will conduct an instantaneous evaluation to determine if the motorist is under the influence of alcohol.


If it is determined that the motorist has not been consuming alcoholic beverages, he/she will be subjected to multiple high-fives, a close-talking, slurred congratulatory dismissal, and pushy distribution of written material about drunk driving before being directed away from the checkpoint.

After all, it’d be a shame to let such an extraordinarily-keen level of perception go to waste.

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March 29, 2006

it would definitely save on breathalizer tests. i’m normally a complete non-drinker (being a lush and also tiny, alcohol goes straight through me). so being around drunk people is a very weird experience. and you get the third degree about why you’re not drinking.

March 29, 2006

And of course, the flip-side to that is: SOBER people (of which I am now one– for the next 7 months at least) have the uncanny ability to recognize DRUNK people. I swear, it’s freaky. Drunk people are so much FUN to other drunk people! To sober people… well, they’re just embarassing. Oh mah gawd, I was ONE of them! *smirk*

March 29, 2006

P.S. Who is that person/sculpture in your profile pic? She looks familiar!

March 29, 2006

RYN: Well, I will make sure to take a picture of the part of the sculpture where the head of the baby is crowning, you know, right out of the vag. I know how you love those. I just love it because its shameless. You know, because I’m a f-hag.

March 29, 2006

*grins* You would have Britney’s naked tail as a profile pic… *LOL* You know what pisses me off the most about that statue?? She had an ELECTIVE c-section!! The woman never even labored!

March 29, 2006

Let’s not turn this into an anti-C Section tirade. I just think she’s hot! —

March 29, 2006

*grins* Nah, no intentions on starting a tirade- it’s just that the statue was supposed to be her in labor. Well, she’s a star, I guess nothing relating to her HAS to be authentic.

March 29, 2006

“an extremely rambunctious, hardbodied blonde” WHAT? You chose SLEEP??? *smacks you upside your head* That’s it. You’re out of the club. ;^) Eric

March 29, 2006

RYN: The problem is that the job is over. They can’t fire him because he doesn’t work for them anymore. The test was originally just to make sure that he doesn’t have loads of some heavy metal in him . . . I think it was cromium that they were looking for.

March 29, 2006

As someone who rarely drinks these days, I can say with certainty that I absolutely agree with your first point.

March 29, 2006

ryns: You are one of the ones I sort-of want to hug now. You’re so…perceptive.

March 29, 2006

my brother complains to me all the time that his friends tell him there are hot chicks somewhere they are…when there aren’t.

March 29, 2006

You are so right on about that super-power. Pretty unique observation I’d have to say.

That is one freaky pic, drunk or sober.

.10 exceeds the legal limit.

March 30, 2006

It’s funny, if I have been somewhere for a while, without drinking, but I have my obligatory diet coke in hand, the masses think I’ve been drinking. I guess I’m more ditzy when I’m around drunks. *laughs* It’s nice to see you writing. Hugs

March 30, 2006

You are TOO FUNNY…… Hope you are doing WELL (sounds like you are) …… we do clean-outs like that here in Portland too (my buddies and I), but do you really have those civil-rights violating checkpoints there???…. the voters got rid of them here back in the 80’s…….BEST WISHES…. THANKS for the “kath” update, I really appreciate you keeping me posted….THANKS MATE….

I never really drink at all any more, what surprises me is the absolute inability of my friends to remember, even though most of them never even knew me when I did drink. It’s an eternal surprise to them. So fun.

March 30, 2006

you so funny!

March 31, 2006

Kinda funny, I’ve noticed the same thing in my months of sobriety. That and drunk people are amusing as all hell. It’s fun to mess with their heads and take pictures.

April 2, 2006

The sombrero is a good look for me, eh? I miss you, too!!! We’ve been talking about how we need to vacation a lot more often, since we can. So, many trips are being talked about and many of them are tropical. Get your scuba gear ready.

“Go to waste.” Was that a pun? 🙂 Enjoyed the entry, of course. I DID have six days sober under my belt, then I blew it all to hell over Justin. Oh well. I will try again. Thats all I can do. Glad you are okay, and honestly, congratulations. 🙂

April 5, 2006

If I did, would you pine for me?

April 5, 2006

In light of my many recent drunken entries….I plead the fifth. And you SO told me to put the pipe down in a note. SWEAR.

April 5, 2006

…You need to put down the pipe for a week or two and do some serious introspection. Forget all that man-hating crap. Dig deep. I don’t want you sharing my spiral. 🙂 — [Parliament] I LOVE IT WHEN I’M RIGHT!

April 6, 2006

ryn: You know, I dont know. I think Mark asked that same question! I may have to research that. I’m not totally convinced of what the problem actually is or that it’s really the hip itself. *sigh*

April 6, 2006

Here, here! Hiccup. Edina, aka

I see you are celebrating life with Britney Spears. That sculpture is classic.

ryn: That’s funny, actually, because that movie was on TV when I was visiting her and I made a comment about the similarites of us and them.

April 11, 2006

ryn: i would have been much less disturbed if the guy had gone commando.

April 13, 2006

RYN: Yes, I know – now that I’ve been settled about whether anyone else is bidding on the house, I’m willing to wait them out. They originally listed it at 114K. Then they dropped (gradually) to 98K which is the current list price. We offered 90, they countered 96, we counterd 92.5. She thinks they are sticking firm to the 96 – which wouldn’t bother me at all. I’m SUCH a crappy negotiator.

April 13, 2006

RYN: *grins* I know, right?? I want to see what they come back with – if it’s a firm 96, AND the appraisal matches it, it’s SO on.

April 14, 2006

RYN: You’ll love it because there’s plenty of sex. The story, not the sorority pictures. Those are totally chaste, just hilarious.

April 17, 2006

RYN: The suckage factor goes up and down. This morning, it was a high 90. I just think of it as an option. If I were really going to do it, I wouldn’t say a word to anybody; I’d just do it.

April 17, 2006

ryn: glad i was able to stay on your favs list! LOL, drunk people do have such a keen perception – I totally agree with you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard (okay, I’ll be honest, or said!) “why aren’t you drinking?” or “why did you stop drinking?”

April 24, 2006


April 25, 2006

LMAO at your new picture on the diary description.

April 25, 2006

6 more months!!!

April 25, 2006

xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxox ?

April 26, 2006

ryn: You make me cry tears of blood, P.

April 26, 2006

Really, you’d be surprised at how difficult it is (on both counts). I have standards you know. I know it doesn’t seem that way, but I do. 😉

April 27, 2006

You want to dive in THAT cold ass water?? Screw that! I know, I know, you’ll have a wetsuit on that you can pee in, but still…

April 27, 2006

You’re a fucking liar. This diary was blocked earlier today, and you’ve removed the block. Bite me.

April 27, 2006

“Boy-toucher”. HAHA! Did you make that one up on the spot, Einstein? No-account, tosspot pissior. Boy-toucher. OMG, I bet you dissolved some brain matter firing back that little retort.

April 28, 2006

Teen OD? Aren’t you the moderator there?

April 28, 2006

I’ve read your diary. You’re about as morally “casual” as they come, boyo. Who made you the OD Guardian of Morality? I sincerely hope you don’t reproduce. I would attempt to explain the point I was trying to make, but you’re obviously too dense to grasp abstracts. Please go retrieve that dildo you keep under the bathroom sink and go do what you seem to do best.

April 28, 2006

I edited the entry for you, dear – apparently you require simple explanations which are easer for your limited intellect to comprehend. Do you need some lube for that dildo?

April 28, 2006

I’m not turning anything around because basically I am not interested in your opinion. It just amuses me to observe you as your simian microbrain attempts to mount a rebuttal which is clearly beyond your ability to reason. You’re the one who mentioned NAMBLA, not I.

April 28, 2006

Santorum seems to be quite smitten with you! Your icon of the Britney birthing statue creeps me out. And yes, I agree, they should all spontaneously combust. I hate what a mess I am over this one.

May 2, 2006

ryn: I’m not sure how you want me to interpret your note. The sentiment on the big green lady stills holds true today in my opinion and reflects both our collective past and our future as a nation. I’m all for immigrants coming here legally. It’s the greatest country in the world.

May 2, 2006

It seems Santordum has a crush on you.

May 4, 2006

RYN: Thank you!

May 4, 2006

If I were smart enough to understand Deadwood, I may watch it. I can’t understand the shit.

May 5, 2006

ryn: that’s the sad thing – i was at the counter when i placed the order.

May 5, 2006

RYN: Talk away…I’m listening.

May 7, 2006

RYN: I do not know what the drama was. I went about my night. I wasn’t paying much attention.

May 12, 2006

Fag stag. (You knew it was, er, coming.)

May 16, 2006

ryn: oh, no, it’s slummy. 🙂 At least in some parts. I don’t know how long you’ve been gone, but lately the trend is to put in multimillion dollar subdivisions, so the poor people can look at the McMansions.

ryn on TBU’s diary: Bipolar people aren’t “crazy.” With meds they’re as normal as you are. Pisses me off when people say so.

May 23, 2006

ryn: LOL! He’s “TG” from the nose up and me from the lips down.

May 23, 2006

Tag, your’e it. xoxo

May 31, 2006

RYN: I don’t actually know when he’s moving in, but I know it’s soon. Scary, huh? Maybe even downright stupid. But whatever – you don’t get anywhere if you don’t take risks.

June 1, 2006

RYN: Since I didn’t post it to Reader’s Choice, I don’t have much control over that.

June 1, 2006

RYN: I know- but it made me laugh- I’d not heard it before.

June 1, 2006

re: your notes on stephy lynn… ~I~ posted that for readers choice. we thought the DM had fixed the problem. i wasnt aware that it was still fuccked up.. or i wouldnt have dont it. its not he fault he doesnt know what he’s doing.

June 1, 2006

*her fault. oopsie.

June 1, 2006

RYN: First of all, RC looks fine to me. Second of all, no I do not have control who puts my entries there. I will not remove my HTML, nor will I make the entry private because it bothers one person. It’s neither my fault or problem that it’s messed up. You’re the only one that seems to care anyway.

ryn (well, kinda): I had one glass of champagne all night & Marg. looked at me like I was crazy when I passed on another. If I was out drinking & someone passed on a glass, I’d probably do the same. Then again, we don’t exaclty go to bars to twidle our thumbs. I was going to go out tonight & not drink & it almost seems easier just to stay home then have a million people ask why you aren’t.

June 2, 2006

Yes, just us.

ryn: Apparently, I’m the only one that got that memo.

June 12, 2006

Oh stop. It’s a good show!!!

June 14, 2006

RYN: Oh, totally…the fact that there were no restrictions on those damned FEMA debit cards or any sort of solutions in place, I mean, what do we pay for disaster PREPAREDNESS for, anyway? How hard would it be to flag PO boxes, or deny transactions for a strip club/porn shop? Just careless.

June 15, 2006

ryn: na…i’m just about getting sh*t for free.

June 15, 2006

RYN: I’m w’cha homey. I’ve been telling my friend to ditch her loser man (the identity theft criminal) for ages now. I just like to plot in my head (and my diary) against Jimmy because it makes me feel better!

June 16, 2006

RYN: Why in 8 years? What happens then…?

ryn: Honey, I’ve got all the time in the world. Just line ’em up.

June 20, 2006

more diary writing; more diary writing; more diary writing. . .

ryn: I can understand the sentiment. No true Mavs fan in their right mind would root for the Lakers.

June 26, 2006

Um… at some point you’re actually going to have to post another entry. I’m sure there’s a limit in here for notes… plus, I miss you. I laughed pretty hard at your new picture :)~

14 Days sober. This is the longest I have EVER gone. 2 weeks. HALF A month. I will be back when I get my 30 day chip – in two weeks, just to let you know. I hope you are doing well. Even tho I know you wrote me off as hopeless awhile back, I just wanted you to know, because I know you wanted this for me. 🙂

I must admit that everything you have said in this entry is complete bollocks. Thanks for your time.

July 4, 2006

That’s a new picture. We know you’re still out there.

July 7, 2006

I always thought my ability to handle lamps with my feet was improved by the consumption of alcohol. I must say, despite how much I hate it, alcohol IS very amusing.

21 DAYS TODAY! Tommorow 22! I am on a roll! *smiles*.

July 11, 2006

yeah! she did that! how bored is she?

27 days. 🙂 Sober.

I pick up my 30 day chip today. I am so proud of myself I actually cried this morning. Even if you don’t note me, I know some part of you that used to read me is proud. 🙂

July 21, 2006

RYN: I wasn’t lying when I said that I hate driving. That’s why I had you out…so you could drive my ass around. =)

July 21, 2006

of COURSE i would have outed your note. fodder is fodder! and also it wasn’t THAT harsh at all. if it hadn’t been for the TRIGGER component, it would have been mildly appropriate!

ryn: yes, i think you have good advice. i hope this will go smoothly and quickly. i want to be informed though. i know people who have signed without reading it and without a lawyer present. i’m not really the one in danger of losing anything though.

July 22, 2006

You are tagged! That’s if and only if you feel like writing another entry. RYN: I wish I knew you in real life. I love how your notes are so succinct and straight up. Hope life’s treating you well.

July 24, 2006

I will assume you hate me because my joke pointed out the inadequacy of the Kansas City sports teams. I suppose it would have been even funnier if I had changed it to Royals.