More than you want to know

If last week was our first cold snap, last weekend was a heat wave. On December 2, temperatures soared into the 70’s, and the evenings since have been pleasant bicycling weather.

Thus, I completely dismissed my normal Sunday laundry schedule, instead getting an oil change, gas, and heading to College Town 30 minutes away to ride the Riverfront trails. With my recent schedule and general blahs, plus the weather last week, I have not been out on my bike as much as I’d like. So I was eager to trailbash and just be out in the sun.

The whole day started off as “unusual”. I didn’t work projection this Sunday morning, so I had it “off” [ I am leader of the “projection team” at church – we operate our Mac running Macromedia Director software, which projects our worship music on the big screen ] BUT there was a problem when we switched to our Advent graphics, so I planned to come in at my normal early time and check over the software/hardware configuration.

After checking and finding everything okay – the error caused by quantum particles – I had planned on taking my car in for an early oil change, then coming back and attending our second worship service. However, when I called to confirm, Jiffy Lube wasn’t open yet. I ended up attending the early service.

Our first service is a small group of people who are largely not awake yet, or are older citizens who prefer not acting remotely excited. While I love all of these people, its just not my style of worship. In any case, I sat with someone, and sang to the Lord to my own content.

Midway through the sermon, my folks tried to call my cell phone TWICE! and left voice mail TWICE!! Fortunately, I always have it on vibrate when I’m wearing it. I became distracted though, wondering if it was an emergency or just mom wondering if I was awake yet *g*.

I checked as soon as it was over, and they called to say they were going to get breakfast at Cracker Barrel and wanted me to join them. That was 30 minutes ago. I hurried over and met them at the restaurant. They left for church around the time my food came. It was a good meal, and I got to see them for awhile, since otherwise I wouldn’t have seen them at all today.

I dropped my car off at Jiffy Lube, with complicated instructions about adding a chemical crankcase cleaner, draining it, and then adding Slick 50 when refilling the oil. They said 30 minutes, so I took off for the nearby K-Mart and did some gift-looking. When I returned 45 minutes later, the mechanic said, “Your car won’t start. We put the cleaner in it and let it idle for about 3 minutes, then it died, and we cant get it started.”


I went into the bay and tried cranking my car. It was definately not starting. The battery was starting to ebb, and it acted almost as if it was…. out of gas. ? I added the spare gallon in my trunk, and after pumping the peddle, it started right up. They finished the job quickly, and I drove straight to a gas station.

Then I swung by my apartment, changed clothes and gathered my hydration backpack. Then, I hopped into bed and took a short nap. Okay, a slightly longer nap. I came to a point where I realized I had to decide between conflicting needs for sleep and sport. Sport won, and I was soon on the Turnpike on my way to College Town.

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I want to go riding too!!!!! Can I bum along sometime???? grinning. Ouchhhhhhhhhh,,,I need a Gel seat though…….