Nap time

I just went out to my car on break, to take a nap.

Our servers are down. I cannot access any of my critical files today. Apparently our authentication server is down, too, because those who have logged out and restarted cannot log back in. I am in the midst of my most time sensitive project – and I can’t do a thing.

So, I was falling asleep at my desk, and decided I’d take a nap on break. (normally, I don’t take a break!)

In 15 minutes, I had two really long dreams. Both probably had well over 20 minutes of activity. I can’t remember the first one now, but the second one, which lasted around 5 minutes of nap time, was about a variant on Tribes 2. This took place indoors, in a cave like environment. Instead of running and jumping, we could walk or surf.

We had surfboards, or more like hoverboards. They were powered, so we could go up hill with them. But, they couldn’t do things like stairs, so sometimes, we had to pop them off and go back to using our feet. There were inventory stations and what not, usually hidden in some back cavern, usually at the top of some stairs.

The first half hour I was in the dream, was regular gameplay. We ran around, surfed around, explored our environment, and fired at each other. Getting hit in this game stripped you of energy – so you would have to walk back to an Inventory Station to recharge yourself, and re-equip. No death, just a long boring walk.

The second part of the dream, which lasted maybe fifteen minutes. I was at an inventory station when I heard one of two young women in an outer corridor walking by. She was commenting on how she used to be a skateboarder, and that if she were playing, she’d kick some butt.

So, I threw out a challenge. Her friend was at first like “No, she won’t do that. Thanks for asking though.” to me, and then later “No, you can’t! We’ve got a schedule to keep..remember??” to her friend – the one who thought she could hang.

So finally gauntlet girl shouts back “you’re on!” and she ran to an inventory. I made my way hastily to an arena (cave area). This one had lots of stalagmites – very steep, very intense sloped surfaces. Of course, outside this cave there were essentially catwalks, and ramps from one level to another, and there were sniping points as well.

So suddenly its me and one other guy against this herd of Amazon women on hoverboards. They were not great shots with the weapons (it was a hard area to aim in) but they would cruise past me and check me, and I’d end up endoing down a slope and breaking my crown! It was an intense round, but I kept watching the time in the real world, and I had to leave before I was able to score some serious points! …or injury.

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“against this herd of Amazon women”…brought a smile to my lips. Thanks, Parra, for your support recently. I am working my way back, and I have much to say, just not wanting to put it down, I think. I suppose I must.

blah.. speaking with you now so blah.. 🙂 love ya babe.. sarah

Dreams allow you to live a fantasy you may want to recreate in reality…I love dreams as I believe them to have meaning…..meaning of your innermost thoughts…even if one is unable to understand it. Hugs…nice entry