Notes to self

I am always making notes in my head of things to do differently “next time”, only to forget them next time. Here are some things floating in my head, now on paper.

April –

Plan a canoe trip for late April.


Try to make a red, white, and blue jello for the forth next year.


Take the week of the 4th off, if possible.

September –

Get backcountry permit for Grand Canyon, this December.


Start thinking now of ways to celebrate my birthday with others.

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good idea–to write that shtuff down!!! Mad props to you!!

mmm i like the canoe trip and back country stuff.. oh man do i ever.. just think of me and the kiddies.. they want to do a canoe trip with tthem.. wow how fun could that be!.. anyways i wouldn’t get to go on it DARN! (not all the kids) take care bret.. im off to daves cottage this week for a lot of talking and time together. Love always Sarah :)SMILE hun! *hugs*

thank you for the note! the grand canyon is absolutly beautiful country. I was born there (ok well not in the canyon but you get my drift).

I’ve found that I am 100% more productive with notes. (Maybe cause I would forget otherwise) 🙂 Planning ahead, Good for you. They do sell molds so that you can make a red,white,and blue flag of jello. The jello people (I’m sure) would be thrilled to tell you how to get one 😉 Good luck, August birthday? Me too.

I never plan ahead, let alone an entire year ahead. I should try it. It might lead to me getting a life or something. 🙂 ryn: Glad you like “my hair”. Although I find hair one of the easier parts to draw. You can even cheat and fudge up a bit on the details, stray from the actual subject matter and no one can tell. People notice if you draw an eye or nose out of alignment though.

a list is good… keeps things organized, keeps things in perspective….. just dont lose the list!! hehe. Hugs and kisses

July 11, 2001

I believe these can all be done in one large swoop: Take off a week and head to Colorado in an SUV. Do some canoeing and hiking, and don’t forget to bring along fireworks. Throw some food into a basket. Spend the evenings laughing with friends and eating tri-colored jello. Today, I did none of these things. I wish I had done them all.

Thanks for the caring comment you left in my diary. I see that you can -unfortunately- relate to my feelings. Thank you for the support. BTW: Having such strong interest in emergency medicine is how the EMS *possessed* me! LOL

B~ Thanks so much for your kind words and support recently. It is, at times, a struggle to remain authentic, but I’ve simply got my eye to the sky. My rewards are not obtained in this life, so I figure I can handle a little pain. Peace be with you. ~M

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