Word up, dawg

Word magic.

A Biblical concept. Words make reality. Words alter reality.

Part of the concept is explored in the power of prayer. By asking God to make reality for us – asking Him for whatever the desire of our heart is – we “invoke” Him to provide it. The key here is that God knows our needs before we ask, but He waits until we ask before He provides it. In this case, the waiting is because by asking we glorify God as the provider. In any case though, the words are the tools for accomplishing this.

Likewise, in many places in the Bible there are references to the power of the tongue. Words spoken can never be recalled. The power of the tongue to steer ships or move mountains.

Those who understand word magic understand that well placed words can have incredible long-term effects, and sometimes incredible short-term effects, too. Also, witholding words at the right moment have a similar power.

The net effect can be for good or evil, self-serving or other-centric, immediate or eternal.

Word magic is essentially a form of manipulation. Of people and things, and Natural Law. This does not make it evil by itself. We constantly manipulate things – I pick up a cup and move it from here to there, I smile at a friend, I wait a few extra seconds before stopping the microwave. In each case, I am manipulating. My motive for the action determines if the manipulation is good or evil.

Do all of our actions have a motive? Yes. Are we conscious of it? That depends on the person and the moment of action. Should we be conscious of the motive of all our actions? I would say yes, but in practical terms there is a time and place for everything. Also, one can pose a resonable argument that the condition of our heart, our spirit, provides all the motive we need to worry about.

In any case, word magic can be utilized for net good or evil. The disadvantage of word magic is that it can be used as an alteration. It can modify an otherwise scripted set of conditions. Again, sometimes, this is a good thing.

Regardless of motive, using word magic as an alteration for too extended of a period, or using it too frequently within too short a time span, can cause a whiplash effect that redoubles on the wielder.

Word magic is governed by Natural Law which God established In The Beginning. That Law can be stretched every now and again, but it must ultimately reset, be allowed to return to its normal shape. Only God can actually alter Natural Law.

Another factor is, word magic is not effective when applied to someone or the circumstances of someone who also wields word magic. The magics cancel each other, or they have unpredictable results.

I am writing this because I have been using word magic to hold a set of circumstances as static for an extended period. I am doing this in order to keep my options open for the longest possible time. But, I have been keeping several circumstances static at the same time, and each of those worlds are beginning to colide, so to speak.

The longer I hold them open, the more I am stretching the circumstances down the time line. I am in effect creating a singularity forward in time. The further it stretches forward, the narrower it becomes until it either snaps into a singularity or it is released and allowed to restore.

What is happening is the three different “threads” I have started are beginning to stretch around each other, and exert pressure on each other. Now thats a “physics” description for something that has no physical characteristics. Instead, what it means is that the options I have been “holding open” are beginning to comingle with the others, wholy eliminating many options on each timeline, but creating strange new combined options.

This is an undesirable effect, I think. At least, thats why I am writing. I need to evaluate this effect, and quickly, and decide which, when, and how to release the magics. Or, in what way to modify them and combine them into a new opportunity.

Or maybe I just need to get out more. Interesting thought, though, yes?

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Interesting……..yes…. (ditto on the need to get out more!! hehe…*sighs*)