*A Shift in Thinking

Well. As you all know, mouse one has gone. And, yes, mice two and three are in residence. So, I got motivated enough to go out and buy mouse poison for the mice plus groceries for me. The poison is in four little plastic dishes which I set out in places where I had seen the mice. So, two in the kitchen, one in the living room and one in the little area between the kitchen and the living room. I checked this morning and some of the poison has gone from all four of them. I think there must be another opening where they are coming in that the guy from the office didn’t find and block.

I have not been writing or actually doing anything for the past few days. I felt as if I had a big heavy load on my shoulder, something that was stopping me doing any of the things I need to be doing. Oddly enough, the the two new mice skittering into the kitchen seemed to lift the burden. Suddenly I realized that if I wanted something permanent to be done mousewise, *I* had to do it. I could feel my whole way of thinking shift. It was at that moment like going back to the person I used to be, the one who did what needed to be done. So, I got into my car and drove to the grocery store. I bought a huge amount of groceries including mouse poison.

When I was on the first trip from the car to my door, a very pleasant thing happened. Two neighbors from the apartment building across the road came out to help me! I had seen the woman before. She had come out in her second floor balcony when my car had suddenly started yelling for help some time ago and we had joked about me stealing my own car at that time. She and her husband seem to be very nice people.

So, moving-in notes. The bedroom is very close to being completed. I found the summer duvet, put a cover on it and folded up the winter one and put it in the plastic tote where I had the summer one. I readjusted the standing fan so it was blowing on a better level. This requires me to loosen and then tighten some screws. I had been telling myself I couldn’t do this {arthritis in my hands} but when I tried it, it turned out I could! So I did. Eventually, probably next spring, I will buy a ceiling fan. I still have to move/find a home for or trash some "stuff" on top of the two chests. The last thing will be to hang up or give away the clothes piled up in the chair. These things may get done today. Actually, it is more likely to be  tomorrow since today I intend to go to a couple of shopping areas very near me, park and walk around to see what is there…







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April 24, 2013

Sometimes taking things into your hands is just what you need to shift your attitude, way of thinking, and everything else.

So glad for the shift. I need something to make me shift. I seem to be in a downward spiral right now. Everything seems to be a burden lately, a burden or to hard to do. *sigh * Hugs,M

April 24, 2013

Mouse be gone! Glad to read that you met some nice neighbors.

Hire an exterminator! They are skilled and have equipment to find pests’ entrances and nestings…something that the maintenance guy would never be able to. One disadvantage of the poison is that after mice has eaten the poison, they’ll wander of to where you don’t want them to be…like in your clothes or in a box full of scape paper. As they die, they turn into goo, get smelly and ruin stuff. Welearned the hard way and decided to invest in the services of the exterminator. It’s been 3 years and so far no problem!

April 24, 2013

Sounds like you a had a visit from the mouse motivators! Glad you’re getting out & meeting some people.

April 24, 2013

Sometimes the dread of doing something is far worse than the actual doing of it. I should have that tattooed on my forehead. I spend a lot more time dreading than doing.

April 24, 2013

Good for you! Those pesky mice. Here’s hoping that they’ll come out and die in the open rather than in some hidyhole.

April 24, 2013

I find that most of my procrastination is because I think I can’t do something that I am very capable of doing!

April 24, 2013

I’m glad you have some nice helpful neighbors! :o) !! Good for you, for taking steps to get rid of the mice. I just get kinda down-in-the-dumps when we have mice OR ants. They never last “forever,” but I always worry that they will. hugs, Nicky

April 24, 2013
April 24, 2013
