This what has been happening to me today:

"Benign positional vertigo (BPV)-or simply vertigo-is a disorder of the inner ear. You feel a sudden sensation of movement or spinning when you move your head or hold it in a certain position.

The inner ear is located within your skull and consists of the cochlea, a chamber shaped like a snail shell, where sound is transformed to nerve signals for the brain, and 3 semi-circular canals that function like a gyroscope, relaying information about head position and movement to the brain.

The semicircular canals contain fluid and special sensors that, when disturbed, inform the brain of a change in head position. It is thought that when you have BPV small particles become dislodged within the inner ear and then bounce around when your head moves, triggering faulty signals that your head is still moving even after it stops. This sensation of movement or imbalance when you are not moving is called vertigo, the primary symptom of benign positional vertigo."

Every time I move my head, I get dizzy which, of course, means I have had an upset stomach all day. I have had this a few times before and as dizzy spells go, this is a mild one. I have tried dramamine but it only works for about three hours. I really hope that this is is like the other I have and will be gone, or almost gone by tomorrow. There is actually something I can do about this and it works pretty well, From the web site —-

"You may try some home therapy exercises that are meant to disburse the inner ear particles that are causing the trouble or desensitize the inner ear nerves that are being stimulated. The following are called the positional exercises of Brandt and Daroff. You will feel vertigo while doing these, but with each repetition, the severity and duration should decrease.

  • Sit on the edge of the bed near the middle, with legs hanging down.
  • Turn head 45° to right side.
  • Quickly lie down on left side, with head still turned, and touch the bed with portion of the head behind the ear.
  • Maintain this position and every subsequent position for about 30 seconds.
  • Sit up again.
  • Quickly lie down to right side after turning head 45° toward the left side.
  • Sit up again.
  • Do 6-10 repetitions, 3 times per day."


"There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way."

Christopher Darlington Morley (1890-1957)


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My Nannie Peachie suffered from Vertigo. I just can’t imagine how frustrating this is. (((HUGS)))

October 27, 2008

I hope you can overcome the symptoms soon! (((Hugs)))

October 27, 2008

I really hope this eases up by tomorrow

October 27, 2008

Oh wow. This sounds very unpleasant. I hope this passses soon.

October 27, 2008

I’m sorry you’ve had this to contend with today! I hope it’s gone away by tomorrow! hugs, Weesprite

October 27, 2008

This is interesting. One of my other faves has been complaining about vertigo. Now if I can just remember who it was……

October 27, 2008

I have bouts of vertigo, as well. Hate that feeling. : *Hug*

Oh that must be miserable, I hope it eases up for you.

Here’s hoping that this is soon gone!!!! Hugs,M

October 28, 2008

I just got something like this a week or so ago. I was thinking some type of infection but was very positional. This makes more sense. Never had before and since I don’t do anything for fun I have been experimenting with this ‘buzz’. Thanks for this info it is more than helpful. Keep teaching and have fun. and be well….a slightly dizzy dan

October 28, 2008

My stomach is queasy just thinking about it. Hope is passes quickly and you feel better. I wonder if one of those wrist bands people wear for motion sickness would help? Love you! ~M

The only veritgo I’ve ever had to deal with is the vertigo brought on by too much alcohol the night before. I’m blessed, aren’t I? I hope you feel better this morning.

October 28, 2008

i hope that exercise helps quickly. i would hate feeling that way. take care,

October 28, 2008

I get vertigo about once or twice a year. I try to “go with the flow”. The hard part is getting out of bed to go to the bathroom. I have a narrow hallway, so I brace myself on both sides.

October 28, 2008

I have had this a couple of times. The first time it scared me silly but then my doctor gave me the exercises. Now I know what to do. The exercises do help. Also focussing on a fixed spot in front of me helps. The most awful bit is just waking up in the morning and there it is, and having to hold onto the bed just to get to the bathroom. Hope it’s over soon.