Daily Trivia


Good Things Today

1. The sun is out.

2. The strawberry bars from Schwan are delivered today

3. The kitchen light now has two bulbs


 Yesterday I called our landlord to tell him that the dishwasher isn’t washing. He came over and said since the washer is so old, it would probably be better to replace it. Anyway, he is going to look into that and let me know today. While he was there, I asked him to take the bowl off the kitchen light because it was obvious that one bulb was out. I could reach it but my fingers were not strong enough to turn the screw. I felt better when he had to get the pliers to turn the screw! The lack of strength in my fingers didn’t stand a chance of loosening the screw!

I remember thinking last night that I got quite a lot done yesterday. The biggest job was a machine full of dirty dishes which all had to be hand washed! When we lived in the apartment upstairs, I had to do the dishes by hand and I did them every morning and quite enjoyed the meditative effect of this. The hardest part yesterday was that the drainer was so small that I had to let three separate loads dry!

The book group book I am reading is Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar. it is very– well, let’s say dry, and I am struggling with it. I have always read fast and it is my belief that reading on a Kindle encourages speed reading, so I have had to force myself to slow down for this book since I can read a page and have no idea what it says! When I was taking college classes, I had to deliberately slow myself down. After reading a page, I turned the book face down and forced myself to write notes on what I had read. I am not going that far with this book, but I am deliberately slowing down…

I just went into the kitchen and washed the dishes from last night. {No, I am not in the least bothered by leaving them until morning. I have much more energy in the morning.} Anyway I looked out of the door and saw I had left the umbrella and the chair pad out all night. This is not necessarily a no-no since the chair pads are water resistant. This means the water pools on the seat and can be dumped easily. I think I may be able to eat my lunch out there again today! Not too many of those days left!

Yesterday, I called in my two prescriptions to the drug store using their automated line. Some time later, I got a nagging feeling that I had made a mistake so I called again and pressed the button which gets one to speak to a person in the pharmacy. I had her check the computer, and yes, I had only reordered one! But the point of all this is that yet again, I do well to listen to my I-have-a-feeling-that feelings! I think it is interesting that some part of me realized I had called in the same number twice.

Ok, good smells from the kitchen are reminding me that my bagel is toasted so it is time to put cream cheese on it…






Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks,

breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.

— Mary Lou Cook


"We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers – but never blame yourself. It’s never your fault. But it’s always your fault, because if you wanted to change you’re the one who has got to change." — Katherine Hepburn



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September 27, 2011

Bagels and cream cheese…Now I know what I need at the grocery store!!!

September 27, 2011

how nice… a new dishwasher. i find i have to deliberately slow myself down when i read from my nook. don’t much mind leaving dishes overnight either. gotta pay attention to those gut feelings. they are usually right on the money. take care,

September 27, 2011

I so agree with doing the dishes in the morning. I tend to get them finished whilst waiting for the cab to come pick me up on the mornings I go to the centre. Good way of staying busy while waiting — which I hate to do. Glad to hear that the landlord is being good about helping out. And mmmm, bagels! I love a good bagel…

Quite right – I usually leave my dishes overnight too. 🙂

September 27, 2011

hooray for new dishwashers and pliers. It’s very gratifying to find out that “hooray it wasn’t just me.”

September 27, 2011

I have always liked doing the dishes by hand; that’s why I told Joe I didn’t want a dishwasher when we moved here. For some reason, I always found loading and especially, emptying a dishwasher to be soooo much work! I had to re-teach myself how to read S-L-O-W when I began studying again, so many years after college. It was so frustrating at first, because like you said here, I’d read page after page and not have any idea whatsoever of what those pages said! :o) !! hugs, Nicky