
  • Tomorrow I have a massage at 10:15. This is neither my usual day or my usual time! Beth called and asked if I could do this. If she is planning to ask if this can be the usual day and time, well, probably not!
  • Fred has committed to go to the ophthalmologist next Tuesday. So, this means I have to commit to getting stuff out of my car so that he and his walker can get in there…
  • I have got the floor in my art room done today. Now I just have to get stuff back off the desks and onto the floor again.
  • Next Thursday is probably going to be the last day for K. and I to do art together. I say probably because on Thursday she and her male friend and the friend’s teenage children are going on a kayaking trip. She thinks they are leaving in the evening which means we can have the two art hours together. If they are leaving earlier, she will call me. Anyway, we will be meeting again at the collage class on October 3rd.
  • I have got the first layer of paint on the shoes for J., my book group friend, and I have to say I am really liking the effect of using the same colors but in different ways on each foot! I really meant to take a picture of the plain white sandals before I started painting them but forgot. I may take a picture of the stage they are now and I will definitely take pictures when they are finished. The colors I am using are violet, red and turquoise. The decorations will be done in black and gold. {I think} I decided that I am not going to completely redo the canvas shoes I decorated for myself. These are in yellow, orange and purple and decorated in black and bronze. So far I have repainted the edge of the soles in a deeper purple…
  • Our book group choice next meeting is Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcena. It is an old book originally published in France in 1951. I have read a little of it and am, so far, not finding it very interesting. This time, and unusually, I have had to buy the books rather than download them to the Kindle. I got a phone call from one of the group wanting to change her choice and offering to pay me for the copy of The Songcatcher by —  hmmm can’t remember the author’s name…  I bet I am the only person who already has all her books because I buy them in one swoop when I get the names…
  • Windows 7 is driving me batty…

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks,

breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.

— Mary Lou Cook


"We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers – but never blame yourself. It’s never your fault. But it’s always your fault, because if you wanted to change you’re the one who has got to change." — Katherine Hepburn



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September 23, 2011

10:15 on a saturday morning doesn’t sound like the time i’d want a massage either. i imagine the sandals will look very nice. take care,

I would love to see photos of your shoes. They sound unique and pretty 🙂

September 23, 2011

Windows 7 isn’t as intuitive for me, but I’ve found some fun tricks, like the search – so easy!!

September 24, 2011

I hate having to clean out my car when someone besides us is going to be riding in it! But I realize that if I kept it cleaned out all the time, I’d never have to do that…. :o) !! I hope you enjoy your massage even though the time is not the best. hugs, Nicky

September 24, 2011

I read alot and thought of joining a book club but I can’t see me reading a book I am not into and I am afraid that would happen.

September 24, 2011

Sounds like you’re as busy as ever!

I bet your sandals are sooo pretty. Please do show us a pic when they are finished! I don’t think I could even read a boring book. If the first chapter isn’t good I tend to put it down and forget about it. LOL Hugs,M