Random Thoughts

  • I have a dental appointment tomorrow at 11 am. Before that I need to go to the drug store and pick up the antibiotic I have to take before the teeth being scraped. {shudder} Until I took a look at the calendar, I had planned to do laundry tomorrow.
  • A few days ago, I found myself thinking about how often it is assumed that older people cannot solve computer problems. I get really annoyed when I come across that point of view. Mind you, right now I am battling with Windows 7 and setting up mail. Until I started the mail thing, I was really liking Windows 7. Of course, I was comparing it with earlier versions of Windows…  Another problem I am grappling with is trying to set up two Macs and a Windows 7 computer on the same network. Fortunately, we have a pretty good local computer place close by us. If I can’t solve the problem myself, I will book them to make a house call. It will be expensive, but worth it.
  • Today’s entry in the one-big-job-a-day list was grocery shopping. I try not to go at the weekend because many of the shelves need restocking. I actually tried to go early but since I got up with my back hurting and didn’t take a pain killer until lunch time, it was latish in the afternoon when I went.
  • In October I had planned to take a "make friends with your sewing machine" course but I switched to the collage class when I realized that the sewing machine one was in the evening. These collage classes are probably the most popular art classes Teresa offers. Since I have already taken two of them, I plan to take with me whatever I am working on and only do the techniques-of-the-day if it is something I haven’t tried before. I didn’t go to do art with K. at her house last week since she had a cough and didn’t feel well. If she is well, I will go this coming Thursday and work on decorating the white sandals for the book group friend.

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks,

breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.

— Mary Lou Cook


"We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers – but never blame yourself. It’s never your fault. But it’s always your fault, because if you wanted to change you’re the one who has got to change." — Katherine Hepburn



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September 18, 2011

I also hate when people make blanket assumptions. I’m always touting that I know this lady on the internet who is AWESOME with computers. I love how she isn’t afraid of them and will keep at it until she figures it out. She’s my hero and great example. Of course, you know who I’m talking about…

September 18, 2011

I don’t like it when people “ASSume” things about a whole group of people either. And you are a person who doesn’t seem to think the words “I can’t” very often, if at all. I’ll admit, I sometimes think “I can’t”…. it’s mostly when I know someone else (Joe) can do it for me. Being able to depend on someone can be good in some ways, but can also make one lazy I think! I hope your dentist appointment goes well…. I cringe at the thought of someone scraping on my teeth, too! hugs, Nicky

September 19, 2011

That drives me crazy, assumptions about computers and older people, also.

September 19, 2011
September 19, 2011

hope your dental appointment goes well. i’m not so good with computers and let my daughter or son in law take care of such problems. makes ’em feel important! take care,

Windows 7 is OK but some things take a bit of getting used to. 🙂

September 19, 2011

I really admire your ability to solve computer problems. I must not be as self-sufficient as you because I am perfectly happy to call in my son to help me when necessary. I LIKE being taken care of!

It used to be that Wednesday mornings were the best days to shop in grocery stores. I don’t know if that’s still true or not, but I definitely prefer early weekday mornings when I can get them 🙂

September 23, 2011

I have always been a computer nerd, why change now that I am 70. My brain still works well as I am sure that yours does too. Let the scoffers doubt and carry on regardless.