Early Friday Morning

I woke up this morning almost completely decided that what I wanted to sign up for next is Drawing II. {However, note the "almost! } The main reason is that I really really need the practice. I am inclined to slough off details with a vague scribble . Unfortunately, I did that on my exam drawing and Jean lets nothing go by so I will be really surprised if I get an A from the course since that drawing was the make-or-break one for me. I would like an A but if I have to be truly honest here, I really am at this point just B plus material.

 Anyway, going back to the next class I am going to take, I noticed on the class description of Drawing II that there was quite an emphasis on developing one’s own style and that sounds just what I need. So, at the moment, I am thinking my choices are Drawing II, Pastels I or Oil Painting I.  I need to have a list because as Jean reminded me, sometimes the courses don’t make because not enough people sign up for them. I would hate to sign up for something, give them my money, and swan off to England for two weeks only to find my class has been cancelled and the others are full!  What I need is an advisor. I am going downtown to the college this morning to {hopefully} find my drawing book which I left in the room accidentally but also to take to someone about getting an advisor. I am not even sure if this is possible since I am not a degree student {been there and done that} and do not intend to ever be one again. I am in this now for the skills I hope to be learning and not for the piece of paper.

So, time for breakfast and coffee and then I am off to the college to check on my missing sketch book, over to Boutelliers to buy a new one if mine isn’t there and then some theraputic window shopping up and down Church St as a reward for all the work I have done. I might even reward myself with some earrings from the Frog Hollow Craft Shop. And I will take some time to go talk to someone about my plans for next semester.

Until later…

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July 1, 2005

hope you find your sketch book at the school. enjoy your window shopping. take care,

July 1, 2005

still hoping you make an A