Early Morning

Isn’t it odd how sometimes time seems to slow down? Yesterday evening I told Fred I couldn’t believe that it was only this morning that I went to town and bought stuff. It felt like a whole week away! I think my perception of time has had it moving fast because I was so focused on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday afternoon I had the drawing class and then Wednesday all day and Thursday morning were focused on getting the homework assignment done. Then there was the second class on Thursday.   I thought of Friday as a day off but I was back with my proverbial nose to the proverbial grindstone on Sunday and Monday. And then, of course, here came Tuesday again!  Now, of course, there is no exterior pressure but I do like Fred’s suggestion that I should consider one big drawing project a week to keep my skills updated. Right now, I am downloading pictures from Google {well, not this minute, you understand } because I promised I would do something for a friend who has been very generous to me. Mind you, I may not get this done {and I have told her that} until I come back from England.

This morning it is cool, and at the moment, overcast. When I have finished here, I will be off for a walk and I am quite excited about this. I have had the occasional stroll in the past week or so but it has been entirely too muggy to do any kind of brisk walking.  I can’t tell you the exact temperature because my little Weather Channel program no longer works. This desk computer uses Windows 98 and when the Weather Channel program wanted to update itself, I let it. And, annoyingly, there was no mention on the site that this update was only for Win any-number-above-98. And so now a very useful program I used several times a day no longer works. I really don’t care enough about constantly checking on the weather to get Weather Bug {which was FULL of adware when I tried it way back.} or anything else. I just go to the Weather Channel site which I have bookmarked to make it easier and check there. Of course, not having the desire to know what the temperature is every few hours makes me a bad Vermonter but I guess I will survive that !

No news of Mike and Melanie’s baby as yet. Last night Melanie’s mother came home in Mike’s truck which really confused poor Malcolm! When Mike called Fred he told him that they were thinking that Greta would arrive some time today but by not coming yesterday, she missed her chance at having the same birthday as Fred!

OK, what I want to do today:

  • Go for a walk as soon as I have finished here
  • get my new debit cards activated and cut up the old ones
  • wash dishes
  • make a big green salad
  • start on my drawing for my friend
  • print out my travel list {I leave on July 14th}

Until later…

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July 2, 2005

When are you going to England? I just saw your diary and had to ask, I’m leaving for there tomorrow for a month.

July 2, 2005

Oh, July 14th. Hehe, just saw it now!! 🙂

We’re having a warm, humid summer, here in England. A pattern of blazing sunshine one day and cloud and heavy rain the next. But always warm.

July 2, 2005

try weatherunderground.com

July 2, 2005

RYN: right! And when you’re pacing the floor at 3 a.m. trying to get her to sleep I’ll remind you of that statement!!

July 2, 2005

enjoy your walk. i’m thinking of taking merlyn out for a walk for the first time in a week. i think it will do both of us good. a week is a long time for no walk. take care,

A thermometer outside your window would be good. 🙂 Of course that wouldn’t give you predictions. A little lull between classes and your trip is a good thing.

July 2, 2005

🙂 *raises coffee cup to you* Be well,

I agree with Fred’s suggestion about drawing regularly.

July 2, 2005

Hope everything goes alright for the baby. Have a good one today.