I Am Still Alive!

Christmas? Although there have been some good things, basically, I don’t like Christmas very much. Or the New Year for that matter…

While I was out at physical therapy, Fred went to check the mail, slipped on the ice patch in front of the step and fell. A passing man and woman rushed over and helped him up. The man then said that he would be back to chop the ice away, and when we went out yesterday evening with our company, we discovered he had been as good as his word. We have no idea who he is! Fred wrenched his arm trying to hang onto the doorknob, he thinks…

Physical therapy. Well, I went yesterday and had a good talk with Candace. I told her how discouraged I was feeling about how little progress I seemed to be making in reaching my goal of walking without a stick. She gave me what my Irish aunt always referred to as "a good talking-to." She said I was giving up too soon. She also spent a lot of time while she was pushing me through the exercises pointing out what I can do now that I couldn’t do before. Before I could mention exercises to do at home, she briskly handed me a printout of exercises to do at home and went through each one with me! So, I am feeling a bit better about that part of my life.


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

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Hope Fred wasn’t hurt too badly. Glad that someone stopped to help and then came back to fix the problem! How nice! Hugs, M

December 27, 2007

The Good Samaritan actually exists? I’m amazed! Lucky he wasn’t too badly damaged. I’m with you on the Christmas thing, but I do enjoy New Year. This year in particular, I will be glad to see this one out and move on to something better (because it would be most unfair if it got any worse than this year). Hope you reach your stickless goal sooner than you thought possible.

December 27, 2007
December 27, 2007

I hope Fred’s fall motivates your landlord to keep things cleaned up. He sure doesn’t seem as on top of things as the old landlord (sorry, I forgot his name already). I hope Fred is okay. And blessings on the guy to chopped the ice!

December 27, 2007
December 27, 2007

🙂 – – – –

December 27, 2007

Thankful for passersby that see an opportunity to help someone and follow through ~ don’t they just restore our faith in humanity? {{{{{{{{{{{Warmest hugs}}}}}}}}

December 27, 2007

I’m glad someone came along soon to help Fred, and then removed the ice!! But that landlord MUST start being more responsible about things like ice, so that neither you nor Fred gets hurt on it!! I’m glad Candace gave you a “talking to” that helped you feel encouraged. You will get where you want to be, little by little, bit by bit!! It will happen! I feel sure it will! You have a lot of inner strength and fortitude and those will stand you in good stead! hugs, Weesprite

December 27, 2007

I hope Fred is OK.. and for you… Hang in there.. you are such a trooper. I have been reading, but horrible at noting… (with many people).. I know that if anyone can overcome this, you can!

December 27, 2007

OMG, I hope Fred is ok! This is horrible! You should have a serious talk with your landlord, this is NOT acceptable!

December 27, 2007

I have a horrible time dealing with the whole Christmas bit, it just gets more painful every year. So I try to ignore it as best I can. Poor Fred! Everyone I know is having trouble with the ice — I hope he feels better soon. And thank goodness there was someone there to help.

December 27, 2007

Oh my goodness, poor Fred!!!! Glad he didn’t do a lot of damage.. And you? My Mom felt the same way after her hip replacement. Hang in there! I’m happy to report that she reached a point where she no longer had to use a cane. You will too, I just know it! Hugs and love to you! ~M

December 27, 2007

*huggs* and I am glad he wasn’t hurt too bad and don’t you love samaritans?

Ouch for poor Fred. Thank goodness for the lovely man who came back to clear that ice! You’ve made so much progress, Patrisha, I’m glad your physical therapist gave you the pep talk. Hang in there! =)

December 28, 2007

i do hope fred isn’t hurt too badly. i hope he’s not in any pain. it’s a good thing someone was there to help him out with that icy patch. i imagine that doing some p/t exercises at home will be a good thing and help you to improve quicker. take care,

December 29, 2007

Poor Fred! I hope he’s o.k.

I’m so sorry about Fred falling. I know that is scarey, too.

December 30, 2007

Holy cow! I hope Fred is okay.

December 30, 2007

Hope Fred is recovering and thanks to your good samaritan.

December 31, 2007

You have worked hard but you can’t give up. I know you feel discouraged but you can’t. You are doing so well. I don’t know many people who would have done what you have. You have a lot of moxie and you should be proud of you. If your not I am. Blessings.

That’s terrible about the fall. Ugh! I’m glad that they chopped up the ice.