Kindle Update

After having owned my Kindle for almost two months, I thought I would write an update.

  • I am buying fewer books now than I was originally since I have many books I haven’t read as yet on the Kindle.
  • Every so often, the publishers go wild and books of various genres are offered free. The other day I downloaded five free science fiction books and today a mystery. Of course, they may be rubbish but if they are, I haven’t paid anything for them.
  • I still love the ability to look up words as I am reading. Two clicks and {in most cases} there is the word and a definition. The dictionary gets a good workout when I read Elizabeth George’s books. For most of the words I look up, I usually have a general and contextual {is there such a word} meaning, but I like to see if I have understood correctly. I also like to read the etemology of a word, and, I have to admit, occasionally the pronunciation!
  • More and more I am liking the ability to choose different font sizes. I always read before I go to sleep and with font size 6, which is 20 points, I can put my glasses up and read easily. {In case you have never tried it, lying on one’s side reading while wearing glasses is not comfortable and not good for the glasses either!} The default font size is size 4 which is what you would get if you set a word processing document’s font to 14 and that works fine for reading throughout the day.
  • When I have finished reading a book, I delete it from my Kindle. But it isn’t gone forever since everything I have bought is stored in my account on Amazon and it is very easy to download a book  again. I found this out–the ease part–when I accidentally deleted a book I hadn’t read and got it back on my Kindle with no problem.
  • Although I accidentally jumped pages ahead and pages back a lot when I first got the Kindle, I seldom do that now.{The placement of the paging buttons is probably the biggest annoyance that Kindle owners write about. Oh, and the fact that there is, as yet, not the ability to sort the books into folders on the Kindle.}
  • And finally, if you are the slightest bit interested in getting one, read what Kindle owners are saying…


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

"Fear not for the future, weep not for the past."

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English poet


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August 1, 2008

Is downloading the books cheaper than actually buying the books? I know you must pay, but I would think they are not as expensive. Can you get new release books right away also or do you have to wait a time before you can download?

The fact that they give away free books sometimes is incentive enough to buy one. How many books can you put on a Kindle?

August 1, 2008

You are so techno-savvy. One of these days, I’ll get Kindle.

I had never heard of the Kindle before. What a cool concept.

I love reading those message boards! Some people, especially those who reply to those one-star reviews are so funny/snarky!

August 1, 2008

I usually either trade books or buy them used -I often pay $1 or $2 for a book. So far, I don’t think the Kindle would be cost effective…yet.

August 1, 2008

RYN:Thanks for the info. It may just be on my X-mas list.

August 1, 2008

i’m so glad you are enjoying your kindle. i get books at the used book store for a dollar or so. then, i have to give away the books i’ve read. take care,

August 1, 2008

My favorite position to lie in for reading is on my side, but you are right….it is not very comfortable to do that while wearing glasses! Another point in favor of the Kindle! I’m glad you tell us so much about the Kindle. I might look into one someday…. only I’d have to see if the kind of non-fiction I like is readily available for the Kindle!! hugs, Weesprite

YOu are interesting me more and more in a Kindle. I thought initially that I would never want to give up holding a book in my hand for something on a screen. But… there are a lot of books I won’t buy lately because the print is so small in them that I wouldn’t enjoy reading them. As my eyes become weaker (they are not that weak but in the evenings they are tired) I just find the strain too much. And like you said, laying on your side with your glasses just doesn’t work all that brilliantly. I like the idea of the changing font size. Hmm… we’ll see.

August 1, 2008

The whole thing with the font sizes and the dictionary sound great. I’m getting so that I can’t see regular size print, and the dictionary would sure come in handy.

August 1, 2008

I am so hating the fact that these Kindle things aren’t available in the UK and aren’t likely to be in the near future. I want one, dammit!

August 1, 2008

I love the visceral act of reading, of holding the book in my hands, the thought of the Kindle is scary for me, I don’t want to see books go away and this scares me that they are going to be phased out. I understand the whole save paper argument, but still…I loves my books. 😛

August 1, 2008

It sounds fascinating. We still haven’t got it here though!

August 2, 2008

Every time you write about the Kindle I think I might need one 🙂

August 2, 2008

Well I must admit you’ve picked 2 things which bother me when reading in bed – lying on my side wearing glasses (you’re right – definitely NOT comfy) and having to remember to get stronger reading glasses to keep by the bed depending on the size of print of the book I’m reading. I’ve just thought of something else actually – when a book’s just come out and is in hardback, it’s sometimes agonisingto wait until it comes out in paperback so that I can read it comfortably in bed because a hardback is generally too heavy to hold so there’s another advantage!

August 2, 2008

You make me want one…. Maybe someday. I’m so glad you like it though. It’s pretty cool. Love to you! ~M

I think this is something I would love to eventually own. Hmmm, maybe when the whole GM thing is settled….. Hugs, M

August 3, 2008

getting a Kindle is on my list! I like my Sony Reader, but I want the wireless capablity. Once Kindle has a couple models out there to grown from, then will probably get one. and RYN: thanks for the pointers. I am going to try it. I don’t know how successful I will be in ignoring my perfectionist side. ha.

August 4, 2008

I’m skeptical. I like the feel of a book, the texture of the paper, that musty smell of knowledge.

ryn: I’m ultra-jealous! No, I’ve never seen Firefly, but I’ve heard about it, so I want to see it sometime.

August 5, 2008

I love Elizabeth George’s Inspector Lynley series…haven’t read the latest. Love Sargeant Havers.