Mostly for Darlingnikki

In August of 2003, I weighed 209  pounds. In August of 2004, I weighed 160 pounds. This morning I weighed 160 pounds. This year-long weight loss was done under the auspices of the University of Vermont who were conducting a study to see if weight loss was possible with on-line support. My group met on line every Tuesday and once a month in a face to face situation. {Other groups met face to face every week or met on line only.}

When I started, I contracted to do the following:

  • count calories
  • report calories eaten and exercise done daily on line
  • meet on line weekly
  • meet face to face monthly {and get weighed on the Official Scales!}
  • walk daily

I was given a calorie allowance of 1325 calories a day. I don’t know how this was calculated but think it probably had something to do with my height {5 ft 9 in}, starting weight {209} and the weight I was aiming for {175 pounds.} Some people in the group followed their diet of choice {I remember one was South Beach} and others, like me, made it up as they went along!

Here are some things that helped me.

  1. It was suggested that I could think of my calories as money. I could spend this money on anything I wanted to. However, if I spent a lot of calories on chocolate chip cookies, there was not going to be much nutrition happening. I found this idea really helpful.  Some foods, like peanut butter or salad dressing, were just not worth the “money” I would be spending on them. Other treats, such as Schwann’s fudge sticks were well worth the 50 calories.
  2. I measured everything that went into my mouth. I mostly used a half-cup measuring cup because there was for me a psychological advantage in putting two half-cups of oatmeal into a bowl as opposed to one whole cup measurement! In addition, I used small plates and small bowls. I wrote down everything. The best time to do it was right after I had eaten it. If I waited to do it all at one time, invariably something {usually something high calorie} got forgotten. I “saved” about 150 calories a day so I could have some toast before I went to bed. Going to bed hungry is not good for me.
  3. I started by walking for 15 minutes morning and afternoon every second day. Music was very helpful. Gradually, I worked my way up to one 45 minute to an hour walk in the morning {which is when I have the most energy} and one 20 to 30 minutes walk in the afternoon 5 days out of seven.  I also rode my bike {in addition to walking} when the weather was nice.
  4. I told myself after every meal that if I wanted more in 20 minutes, I could get up and get it. Most of the time, I was no longer hungry after 20 minutes. If I was, I got more. {I found that I had to be truthful to myself. The 20 minute rule was no help if I knew I was kidding myself!}
  5. I was fortunate in that I do not like soda and do like water. {I have only one kidney since renal cancer in 1998 so have always had to drink a lot of water.} Another fortunate thing is that I really love salads and –with the exception of blue cheese dressing–mostly don’t like dressing on my salad. I learned to dip the fork in the dressing I liked and thus I got to taste it and not inhale it!

Now I am maintaining. This is what I am doing now.

  1. I weigh myself every single morning. This is an important part of my maintenence. I have an “allowed” weight range from 160 to 165. If I am within this range, all is well. However, if I drift up to the high end, I immediately go back to a week of measuring and counting calories. However, remember I am post menopausal and do not have the monthly bloating. If I was younger, I would give myself more leeway than 5 pounds.
  2. I endeavor to walk for at least 30 minutes every day. Mostly I make it. {I live in Vermont where a white Chrstmas snow often goes on into March!} We have a manual treadmill {much more effort required than a motorized one} and I try to do a short stint on that every day.
  3. I have found that I can eat pretty well anything I like as long as I walk daily.
  4. Although I no longer measure or record what I eat, I still try to have smaller portions and I still know that I can have more in 20 minutes if I want it.
  5. My on-line support group  now {and during the year I was losing} is a group of women on OD who are endeavoring to live healthier lives. The communal diary is called somekindofacircle. {Please feel free to drop in and read. Instructions for joining if you feel it will help you are on the front page.} This is the place where I report in every few days and they get to read my boring “I still weigh 160 pounds!”  My entries were much more dramatic last year!
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February 2, 2005

Wow! This is a lot of good solid advice. Thank you SO much for writing this! The walking sounds like something I could actually do. As does the measuring portions and that.

February 2, 2005
February 2, 2005

Thank you for writing this all down. I did look at the diary you mentioned, left a note yesterday, but so far no one has responded to me. I hope they will!

February 2, 2005

PS — Also bought a digital scale at Wal-mart during my lunch break. 🙂 You have been a true inspiration to me the last few days!

February 2, 2005

What a wonderful entry Well done to you

February 2, 2005

Thanks for sharing this.

Kudos (not the food kind haha) to you. One day I hope to live up to your example.

February 2, 2005

i started walking again on monday. i’ve started out with 20 minutes. i’ll build back up to half an hour. i’m determined to lose another 30 to 40 pounds this year. i’ve already lost 3 in the last week. thank you for writing this, i needed some additional motivation! take care,

February 2, 2005

thanks. this is so helpful. nothing very startling in it but it helps to be reminded of these sensible points. and to be reminded that they work!

February 2, 2005

I read darlingnikki’s request for help today and thought I should tell her to check out your diary! Thanks for sharing this!

You have inspired me. I love the way you think of calories as money. I think that would probably help me a lot! and dipping your fork into your dressing is a great idea too!

February 2, 2005

Very inspirational. Thanks.

February 2, 2005


This is very good to see all this information in one place. It’s great that you have kept the weight off for so long!

February 2, 2005

You did GREAT! I also lost a lot of weight…60 pounds in six months… six years ago. I just decided to do it, and made up my own plan, similar to yours. I didn’t tell anyone I was trying to lose weight. That way no one else would be “measuring me”… I wish everyone could have such success as you and I have had. It is very very good for one’s self esteem, health, ALL things. hugs, Weesprite

February 2, 2005


February 2, 2005

thank you for writing this, it’s good to see. I’m getting married in 18 months and I’m looking for all the advice I can get!

I like the calories as money.

February 3, 2005

Some great tips here. You have done so well and continue to do well and I know that you have formed habits that will help you maintain what you have achieved. Keep up the good work.