Odds and Ends

Yesterday I was wandering around and went into a shop which sold women’s clothes. I wanted to get myself a short-sleeved top because you have no idea how sick I am of the three I brought with me. Anyway, I was browsing and the shop keeper came up to me and asked if I spoke English which surprised me because I wasn’t aware I looked  particularly English. He actually wanted to tell me that if I liked something but it wasn’t in my size to ask him because not all sizes were put out. Well, that was nice but it isn’t  the point of this little anecdote. The first time he gave me the information, I really wasn’t listening to what he said; I was actually trying to place his accent! I had to ask him to repeat what he said and I apologized because this used to happen to me when I first came to the States and I hated it. People were so busy listening to my English accent and the way I said something that they didn’t get the sense of what I said until I repeated it. {He was a Scot, by the way. He said he had a Scottish mother and an Italian father and that he and his wife and little son were here in Lucca for a year.}

A total change of subject here –I am enamored of Italian ice cream. I have had a different flavor every day and there hasn’t been a bad one yet. Well, I couldn’t finish the coffee flavored one but that was because it was too rich. My favorite ones so far have been hazelnut, which actually had a whole hazelnut in it, blackberry {even though the seeds got stuck in my teeth} green apple, which had bits of apple and flecks of green skin, and yesterday’s was mint with little chunks of dark chocolate in there! And there are so many more new flavors to try!

I have no idea if I am gaining weight, and at the moment, I am not concerned about it. I eat what I like {and I like pasta} and I walk a lot. I walk up and down the 52 steps at the place where I am living usually twice a day because I go back after class to dump my backpack and get my purse before going out for the afternoon. I go up and down the 42 steps at the school twice a day. These six weeks are  a holiday, albeit a working holiday, and I will count calories when I get back!

I have been spending a considerable time looking around churches. I love old churches. Yesterday I went into the church of San Frediano. The piazza San Frediano is actually one of my favorite places to go. It has two nice places to eat outside, an expensive shop for women’s clothes so I can look but not buy, benches to sit outside, close proximity to the walls of Lucca if I want to walk there,  and many many tourists groups to watch! And, of course, the church was full of tour groups, many more than the few I had seen heretofor. Then I realized it was Saturday, which is apparently the day many tour groups arrive! I was going to go to the cathedral today but I think I will leave that one for a weekday. It is, oddly enough, bothering me a bit to see {and to be one of} the tourists talking and taking pictures in churches. I was brought up as a Catholic, and  although I am no longer a practicing Catholic,  I can hear the nun’s voices in my head telling me that this is NOT the way to behave in a church!

Now I must make my bed and then I will go to the site of the old Roman amphitheater. It is huge circle of shops and cafes. People live above the shops and the cafes have tables outside. I have been VERY fortunate in the weather so far. Most days are cool and sunny and there have been only two cold and rainy days.  We had a little rain last night,  but this morning looks as if the day will be sunny. One thing I saw that amused me on one of the rainy days was a young man walking down the street  in the rain as I was walking up and he was selling umbrellas in the pouring rain.  Oh, and taking about things that amused me, on a few shops I have seen the words Ingresso libero. Free entry? Umm, in what country are there shops that charge you to enter? I can see this on museums and art galleries, but shops?

I am finishing this up on Sunday which turned out to be quite a physically exhausting day because I actually got lost! After lunch– a panino with four cheeses and un caffe alla panna, which is thick whipped cream on top of the strong coffee–I decided to walk to the church of San Michele and I am glad I did because this is the first time I have actually seen the church when it was not surrounded by the stalls selling tawdry things to tourists. It is a fantastic church and I went in to the service that was being held at that time. The priest had just started the homily and I heard and understood when he welcomed his parishioners AND the tourists standing at the back of the church, but that was only because he spoke those sentences slowly and clearly! Once he got to speaking at the normal speed that Italians use taking to each other, I was lost again!

After that, I consulted my map and made my way to yet another church called Santa Maria Bianca and looked around there. When I came out, for some reason, I got turned around and instead of finding my way back to the center of town, I finished up at the walls! Well, since I had no idea where on the walls I was, I decided to walk into the city with the walls at my back which should take me more or less where I wanted to go. After a bit, I noticed people going towards the walls AND people obviously going back to the center of town and so I followed the latter. Now, I did have a map but so many of the little side streets are not on the map so until I came to Via San Croce, I recognized no names. However, once I reached there, I knew where I was. I must have been walking slowly {with several short stops to rest } for about two hours. I hadn’t planned that, but it was an interesting experience!

Which brings me to writing about how my leg is doing. I have no pain at all but I do lean more heavily on the cane as the day progresses. And, although I cannot as yet walk without the cane, I can put my full weight on the left leg for a short time  –which is the one that had the surgery– which is something I couldn’t do in physical therapy before I left the States three weeks ago. I am doing the exercises I was given to do every second day since I am walking so much and going up and down so many stairs!

Tomorrow, Monday, we don’t start at our usual time of 9 am but at 11:30. This is because it is an official intake day for new students and they will be taking a written test, as we did and being slotted into their classes. I plan on undertaking the big adventure of getting money from an ATM machine before I go to class. It is odd how I have no trouble handing over my card to pay for something here and yet am all nervous about using it in an ATM in a foreign county! As an addendum, the whole transaction went perfectly. I worry unneccesarily –worry for the sake of worry, I fear!

And a final TMI about the coffee with whipped cream I had yesterday. During the night, I had to get up and, well, let’s say I am SO glad I packed the anti-diarrhea pills! I had totally forgottenwhat whipped cream does to my digestive system!

More later…


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.

— David Viscott

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October 8, 2007

There is a ceramics shop in Lucca managed by a woman from Scotland. You haven’t heard Italian until you hear it processed through a Glaswegian accent!

October 8, 2007

Catching up with you – or at least trying! It sounds wonderful.

October 8, 2007

The Italians are renowned for their ice cream of course, and it sounds delicious! I’m sure that you won’t put on any weight with all the walking you’re doing, so just enjoy it!

October 8, 2007

I love hearing about your adventures over there! I love hearing about all those places you go on your walks; it all sounds like you are having a PERFECT time. :o) !! The ice cream sounds like an adventure in itself. And I dislike people acting touristy and taking photos in those lovely old churches also. hugs, Weesprite

Ahhh,go Italy! And hazelnut ice cream- I’ve been always eating that and peppermint ice cream since I got pregnant- it’s yummy!

I LOVE your entries from Italy. I get to live a “wordly” life vicariously for a few brief moments 🙂

October 8, 2007

How fascinating. What a wonderful time you are having! I can’t believe you are doing all those steps, after your recent surgery. I believe they must be strengthening your legs and hips quickly. Way to go!! And a two hour walk. WOW, I would be dead I think. Anna

Fantastic entry, Patricia. I love reading about your adventures. Mmmm, the ice cream sounds delicious.

How perfectly WONDERFUL this trip is. I so enjoy hearing of your days in Lucca. It’s like having my own personal tour guide 🙂 I got turned around while walking in Boston and ended up almost 2 miles away from the Harbor…where I wanted to be. I was a little nervous but when all was said I done I had myself an adventure of sorts. Getting lost isn’t always a bad thing 😉

October 8, 2007

It all sounds amazing 🙂

October 8, 2007

I love the word pictures you are painting of Lucca!

October 8, 2007

I wonder why you can eat ice cream, but not WHIPPED cream. Interesting. LOL @ the nuns and how to behave in a church. Every time we go somewhere and visit an ancient cathedral, it makes me nervous to not only be in the chapel, but people taking pictures. It just seems so irreverent. I can’t even go in my own chapel wearing jeans or slacks. It’s disrespectful! I love your entries. Can’t believe that 3 weeks have gone by already! How’s your Italian coming? How are the classes? Love your adventures wandering about the city, and I’m so happy about how well your hip is doing.

October 8, 2007

This is sounding like such a wonderful trip! Especially the parts about the ice cream 🙂 J and I recently have become obsessed with Italian Ice. Good to see a post from you.

October 8, 2007

I enjoy your descriptions so much! The ice cream sounds divine and I think you will be pleasantly surprised that you will not have gained much because of all the climbing and walking. But as you say, it doesn’t really matter right now…enjoy!

October 8, 2007

That ice cream sounds delicious.

I would be in 7th heaven with all the ice cream. Mmmmm. Isn’t it funny how whipped cream will do that to you but not ice cream? Hmmm. It sounds like you are having an absolutely lovely time there. I can’t believe you are halfway through your stay already. Enjoy the rest of your time there. Hugs, M Oh, and it sounds as though your hip is getting stronger and stronger! 🙂

Selling umbrellas in the pouring rain … seems like the most lucrative time to get tourists to buy them. Good to hear from you.

October 8, 2007

All sounds good. 🙂

October 8, 2007

Sounds like a dream. Hooray for you.

October 8, 2007

Sounds like you are having a fantastic time.How many more weeks? It reminds me of the time I went to Israel alone for a month. ENJOY!

Your wanderings remind me of my solo stay in Paris 19 years ago. The joy of going out alone and walking the streets of a fascinating city is palpable in your entries. My San Francisco trip last spring also whetted my appetite, but your entries are reinforcing my wanderlust.

October 8, 2007

Been pinched yet? have fun…dan

ahhh, i gelati, oh yum. Glad the leg is making such good progress – two hours is a long time to be walking, however slowly. free entry – yes always made me chuckle that one.

The ice cream sounds lovely. I bet I’d finish the coffee one with no trouble. Even though I don’t like coffee I love coffee ice cream. 🙂

So glad your leg is continuing to improve and it hasn’t stopped you from exploring! I’d love to visit old churches. So fun to read your entries. I feel like I’m there with you! =)

October 9, 2007

You are having so much fun. I’m glad that you’re relating your adventures, it’s fun following you about.

October 9, 2007

Mmm, gelati. I didn’t have a bad flavour of that, either. Do they even exist? I did have some confusion with “Ananas,” (Bananas?) forgetting that (as in French) they’re pineapple. I’m sure you already know. I doubt you’d gain weight if you tried! I ate whatever I wanted in Italy and because of all the walking, actually lost five lbs. I’m glad to hear how your leg is coming along!

October 9, 2007

sounds like you are having a wonderful time!

October 9, 2007

*huggs* glad you are having a great time, and with all the walking you are doing, you just might be thinner when you get back!

Your trip sounds wonderful. I’m glad you are walking well. My dad was stationed in Italy in WWII. I was just going through a bunch of his old pictures of his time there….

“Ingresso libero” Could that mean “tax free?”

Wow! It sounds like quite the adventure! I don’t like it when people talk in church. I guess I feel that they lack respect and it makes it harder to pray. This being said, my children talk to me all the time in church! It drives me crazy. I love ice cream. I’d be in heaven. Oh, I am happy to read that your hip is well on the way to repair.

October 13, 2007

Glad to hear about the leg getting stronger. At least those blasted stairs are good for something.

October 15, 2007

Hope the remainder of our trip is as great as it sounds so far. What a dream!


October 17, 2007

Hey! It’s been a week! Where are you? How’s it going? I heard you’ve been sluffing school, what’s with that? Don’t tell me you’re so relaxed that you would skip school? LOL!!!

October 20, 2007

What a wonderful trip! I am so glad that I am able to at least read of u’r adventure since I can’t go myself! Eat an extra mint chocolate Italian ice cream for me! 🙂

October 21, 2007

It sounds like a wonderful trip! I can’t wait to hear more. 🙂

October 27, 2007

WELCOME HOME, PATRISHA!! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

October 28, 2007


November 14, 2008

What fun exploring. I know what you mean about the uneven streets. When my mom & sis & I were in Scandinavia many of the streets were cobbled, my mom has a bad hip & she was spent by the end of the day.