
Last night right after supper when I was reading and Fred was playing Bookworm, suddenly, at 7:15 pm the power went off. It seemed to be off up and down our whole street and it stayed off for 2 hours and 45 minutes! {Yes, I WAS counting! Every minute!} Fortunately, this was after supper that Fred had cooked on our-electric stove! I remembered that I had some decorative candles and dug them out and by moving four into the bedroom, I managed to continue my reading. You have never seen two happier people when the power came back on.

I don’t know where else the power was off but I am pleased that Green Mountain Power were on the ball. However, that is not going to stop me getting a stash of utility candles!When I lived in Mississippi, I always had lots of candles, those white utility candles, as well as the good-smelling ones. We lived a good many miles from any place I could buy anything and so I always had a backlog of useful things like toilet paper, cough medicine,candles and matches. We used to lose power quite a lot in the summer because pretty well every afternoon, we had thunderstorms around 4 pm. Usually, the power would go off briefly and then come back on again, but I can remember a couple of times when I went to bed by candlelight and woke up when the lights cames on again in the middle of the night.

Going back to the present, my desk top computer went off when the power went off and I had the task of starting it up this morning. It was not a happy little computer. First it wanted to start up in safe mode and I let it — thinking I could then shut it down properly and then restart it. But no! When it got to a certain level it told me there was no mouse! Well, to a certain extent, this WAS true since I use a trackball rather than a mouse! Anyway, I disconnected and reconnected the "mouse " from the USB hub on my desk and rebooted the whole computer up again. This time ir worked. Now, I have been through this before and because of the fact that it sometimes didn’t see the trackball and sometimes it lost the keyboard, I hadn’t turned it off at night for a long time. {I do turn off the monitor, though.} I knew I was going to have trouble this morning and I am glad it only took the unplugging and replugging of the trackball to make it happy this time.

Today I have to start my homework. We have got about 15 verbs ending in -ere to conjugate in the present tense. I also have to memorize which one are conjugated using ‘_isc" like "preferisco" which means "I prefer."

Until later…


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

None will improve your lot If you yourself do not.

Bertolt Brecht, 1933

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March 9, 2008

Daylight Saving Time here. Our power goes off frequently during wind storms when trees fall over the hydro lines. I always promise myself I’ll be better prepared for the next time and I never am. We tend to look at it as permission to go to bed early.

Sure glad that your power wasn’t off any longer than that. We have been very lucky here. Other areas here during storms, including right across the river have lost power for days, some as much as ten-fifteen days a couple of winters ago, but ours has never gone out for more than just a few minutes. (knock on wood)

March 9, 2008

glad your power came back on as quickly as it did. hope your homework isn’t too difficult. take care,

March 9, 2008

A couple of Saturdays ago we lost power for almost three hours. I didn’t manage to be able to read though. I have candles, just not enough holders it seems.

March 9, 2008

Glad you were able to read by candlelight. That could have been a LONG 2 hours! Hugs, M

March 9, 2008

Our power very rarely goes off. But our house is full of all sorts of candles so we’d be okay if it ever did, for any lenght of time.

Oh, oh, did Fred lose his Bookworm game? I’m glad your computer woes are solved.

March 9, 2008

I had dreams last night of losing power… strange..

March 9, 2008

I kept thinking that our power would be cut during those storms that keep rolling through lately. So far… (crossing fingers and hoping) Funny how much we’ve gotten attached to all those electrical gadgets!

March 9, 2008

I’m glad your power wasn’t off for toooooooooo long…. a couple hours is plenty long enough! hugs, Weesprite

March 9, 2008

We get “blips” here, and power can go out during our summer storm season. But it’s not COLD here. I remember what it’s like to lose power when you live where it’s cold~ So not fun. Here, I have battery operated EVERYTHING, and a Coleman stove just in case. Course that’s more for Hurricane season than anything else…. Glad it’s all ok again. Love to you! ~M

March 9, 2008

Luckily, all our power cables are buried, so we only get power outages when a main line (the older ones — not buried) goes out. About once every year or so. But it’s good to be prepared.

March 9, 2008

I am sorry you lost power. I play bookworm all the time. I only get to master then I get burned out, or too tired to play. For some reason that game makes me sleepy. Have a happy Sunday. I am glad that you have power. Blessings.

The first 15-20 minutes of no power are kind of fun, but then it gets to be a bit of a drag. Glad your computer finally worked correctly! =)

March 11, 2008

We’ve lost power off and on lately due to weather…ice, wind, etc. Did Fred get his game back? RYN: It was such a good phone interview that I was very pleasantly surprised! I don’t have anything but a midwestern accent, which is where this regional director also is (he’s in Michigan, I’m in Minnesota, and we sound a lot alike), but we’ll see how it goes in front of the head vet at the clinic on Thurs. 🙂