Killing Dust Bunnies

I got quite a lot done this morning. I decided while the clever machines in the basement were washing and drying clothes, I would give our bedroom floor a good cleaning with special attention to my side of the bed. So, I put everything on the floor onto the bed. On my side this included a huge box of shoes. I really must do something about these because basically I alternate wearing the same two pairs so why am I keeping the others out.   There is also a plastic box full of books and a basket that I keep my Macbook computer in. In addition there were chocolate Kisses wrappers which were supposed to be the trash can but weren’t. On Fred’s side of the bed was a huge pile of magazines,

While the first load of laundry was washing, I swept the floor and chased the dust bunnies out from under the bed. Then I first dry-mopped the floor followed by wet mopping. Fred’s magazines went into a box and back on his side of the bed and my library books went into the library-book bag. Everything else went back on the floor but tidily! I then put away the two loads of laundry that had been washed and dried while I was doing all this.

Recently I have been trying to walk around the house with a straight back , no limp and no stick and mostly I do pretty well, but today I was so busy that I forgot about the straight back and the butt tucked in until I realised I had a bad backache. So I have spent most of the rest of the day lying on the bed watching Star Trek movies. I did intend to go down to the library but that I will do tomorrow before going to class.
Tonight is the finale of "Project Runway", which is one of the two reality shoes I try not to miss. {The other is "Top Chef" — a rather odd addiction for a person who does not cook!}. it is going to be very interesting to see their collections, I was really sorry Chris got eliminated but, honestly! What did he expect when he trimmed his clothes with human hair? All three finalists are strong candidates for winners so I will be interested to see who actually does win. Rami is good if he can resist the urge to drape all his clothing. I like Christian’s stuff too, but I think it will be Jillian who will have the best collection and be the winner.

  • study Italian in case la professoressa gives us the test we were supposed to have yesterday
  • leave the house early enough that I can go to the library before class.

Until later….


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

None will improve your lot If you yourself do not.

Bertolt Brecht, 1933

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March 5, 2008

oooohhh I saw something you would like, the shark steamer mop thingy, check it out! I would love one $100 I think but damn it looks like it works great!!!! *huggs*

I’m going to Italy in June!!! I can’t wait.

This entry made me think of an entry recently written by another one of my faves, which you might enjoy:

Down with dust bunnies! I love that title.:) I know it is hard work walking with a straight back and without a limp, when you are tired and when there is pain. All in good time. I am hoping that you become pain-free.

The chiropractor has done the BEST for Es walking bent over. He is now walking with his back straighter than he has in yrs. Yay for getting housework done!! Ya wanna come do some of mine! LOL HUgs, M

March 5, 2008

I love Project Runway and Top Chef too! I can’t wait for the new season of Top Chef, and I’ve got the Project Runway stuff DVR’d, but have already heard that Chris got eliminated *sigh*, I really liked him. ryn: I love English, I sometimes think it would be fun to teach English, but am too hooked up on Band – and would probably go to math before english. 😛

March 5, 2008

I was asking about where you taught because my old college housemates live in Mississippi now (in Columbus) and are trying to convince me to come live with them – but there aren’t any job openings near by. Hopefully in a few years my own roommate will be transferred to another base (civilian employee with the Air Force) and I’ll go with them then.

I love Top Chef, too, even though I hardly ever cook! ** giggling ** Can’t wait for the Project Runway finale. You were so busy today!!! Glad you were ablet to rest, though, too.

March 5, 2008

We don’t do anything in our bed but sleep (well that IS about it!), so there’s nothing on our bedroom floor, but there’s plenty of stuff on the living room floor next to my couch and his recliner! He has a big box for his magazines, but they’ve overflowed the box and he doesn’t seem to want to part with any! and me….I’m just messy, I guess. :oO !! hugs, Weesprite

March 5, 2008

I know what you mean about moving all the iteams that live on a floor to clean. i was amazed at how long it took me last week to brush and wash the living room floor at the house in wales. Usually i just vacuum around every thing. I was exhaused and needed a cuppa and break before i could even think to take the dog for a walk. I did move all the furniture, which would have been impossible forme to move on my own it the floor had a carpet, so i guess a wooden floor has some benfits but not many,it is so cold there in the winter.

March 5, 2008

Nice to get up to date with the cleaning! RYN. Alex is getting the learning support teacher at the school, but only for a short time every week.

I like project runway, too….although I rarely watch it. Human hair, eh? GROSS!

I LOVE Top Chef!! It’s so good. I really want to be a guest on there and just eat everything they make… haha!!!

RYN: I only knew one on the diary that I saw it on but I enjoyed it and wanted to do it anyway because I love quotes. I don’t think it really matters if anyone knows them or not. 😀

March 6, 2008

I did watch the end of Project Runaway, and didn’t agree with the judges’ decision… I have to say that Rami’s collection was very beautiful, and elegant.

March 6, 2008

okay, now look what you’ve done… i’ve gone and cleaned my side of my bed!!! now all i’ve got to do is vacuum the room. i had a sore lower back yesterday but put it down to the cold damp weather. today it’s feeling much better. i do hope your back is doing better today. all that star trek…. do you dream about flying off into the wild blue yonder and meeting up with aliens? i do when i watch a doctor who marathon! take care,

Reality shoes? LOL 😉

March 6, 2008

I have dust cattle!

March 6, 2008

I like Project Runway too, but I think only see reruns–I don’t know Rami, Chris, or Jillian. I like We Lost 800 Pounds, which seems to come on intermittently on all channels. Actually, the public library has an online catalog & normal Web site. None of the books in my five new campuses is catalogued at all, though. My new school has a long way to go to meet accreditation standards. There areopen-source OPACs, but I am probably going to recommend that the new school go with a vendor. I’m afraid of messing up.