The Penultimate Art Class

I am back an hour and a half early!  We got out at 4 pm because that was when the museum closed. I was about the third person to give my evaluation of my chosen picture since the instructor  went by the order in the gallery of the pictures we had chosen. The first one was The Babysitter by Norman Rockwell. This really surprised me because I wasn’t aware the museum had a Rockwell painting. This painting has an interesting story attached to it. Apparently it was sent to a Burlington school in memory of a little girl who died of leukemia. Her classmates collected $12 which they sent to Mr. Rockwell with the request that he paint something in her memory! He sent back the money but he did paint this picture. It still, I think, belongs to the Burlington school but it is on display in the museum.

It was quite interesting to listen to the other class members although two or three of them mumbled into their papers! Whatever happened to speech classes? I was pleased that no one had chosen the same picture as anyone else. The best part for me  was hearing the reasons for the choices. The worst part was hearing D. read from her paper and then say the whole thing all over again! When this was assigned, I specifically asked did she want us to read from our papers or talk from notes. She said either was fine with her but D. really drove me mad by first reading then saying it…  AAAARRRRGGGGHHH! My eyes and the eyes of others glazed over a lot.

The museum was air conditioned and in one part was actually aggressively air conditioned. When I came out into the warm air, it actually took me a while to feel comfortable. I was still cold.

Two people turned their portfolios in early. I have one more picture to mount. Oh, and the one I thought I had messed up because I did it so late in the day turned out to look OK when I looked at it this morning…

Until later…

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June 28, 2005

It’s amazing how things look different in the light of a new day! That’s quite a strange painting to do in memory of a little girl who died – was their some connection that he chose that particular subject?

June 28, 2005

It’s great to see that you had a great day. That D person would’ve bored me to death… Memorize or just read from the paper… Not read and then say it… Aye yae yae 🙂 Talk to you later, -James

June 28, 2005

I was once so enraged by a classmate’s “tortured soul” explanation and ensuing arguement with the professor about his work that I walked out of a critique… and had my own shouting match with the professor in the hallway about not shutting stupid people up. AAhhhh… to be 20 and bulletproof again…lol

June 28, 2005

there is always ONE in a class…. I guess it was that person.

June 28, 2005

Well, except for D’s redundancies, sounds like it was an interesting class!

If I ever had to give a speech, I’d most likely not mumble into my paper. I’d pass out cold! I have an intense fear of public speaking. I’d rather have all of my teeth extracted than stand in front of an audience of any size and speak. Now sit me down with that same audience and I will yak away. Go figure.

June 29, 2005

Thanks for sharing the story of the Rockwell painting! Oh, I too wonder why so many people speak so poorly, in front of a group. I remember how deadly boring it was to have to listen to many of them. Here’s hoping you have a great day! hugs, Weesprite