Pounds Sterling?

I have had a couple of people ask me in notes about the term "pound sterling" which I use without thinking to much about it!

I found this:

"The terms "sterling" and "pound sterling", seem to have acquired their meaning over a period of time, and from several convergent sources. The first mention is that of "sterilensis" in 1078, and by the thirteenth century the term sterling had appeared. Mintmarks on pennies included a star and a starling, both of which have been argued to be the source of the word sterling. Easterlings were early merchants and money-changers, and this may have contributed to the use of the word sterling. The Germanic word "ster" means strong or stout, and is probably the strongest influence in the use of the word sterling to mean strong, pure, stable, reliable, or excellent, and reflects the high esteem in which the English silver coinage was regarded. The term "pound sterling" was used throughout Europe during the Middle Ages."

Anyway, when I went to our local bank and asked them to get me some pounds, I was asked, "English, Scottish or Irish?" Sheesh!  Which reminds me I need to go up there and see how they are doing in getting what I asked for.

Until later…

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June 28, 2005

i love open diary! i learn a little something each day. take care,

June 28, 2005

interesting. Can you do that once a week? I’m actually learning something!

June 28, 2005

They’d have a difficult time finding you Irish pounds these days, as we use the Euro now! 😉

June 28, 2005
June 28, 2005

I would have been one of those people who asked you what it meant, but I strangely learned about it this year writing an article for the town paper… Strange. Anyways, cool! Do this more often! -James

June 28, 2005

That is very interesting! I’m curious though – is everything decimal now, or are the terms pence and shilling still used?

RYN:I don’t like them either. lol I have always told him that i think he looks better without the facial hair, but he doesn’t listen. lol

June 29, 2005

Doesn’t matter if the currency you get is Northern Irish, Scottish or English, you can spend all three freely in the UK. We often get Scottish or English banknotes mixed in with our Northern Irish banknotes when we’re over the border. Would be much easier if it was all Euro but I don’t think the entire country is going to vote it in just because it would be convenient for us!

June 29, 2005

ryn: Thank you SOOO much. You are my savior now. I don’t know how the font was on the LARGEST size, but it was!

June 29, 2005

drawing! just a beginners’ course.