
I decided not to buy a Kindle edition of the Odyssey because I can’t see myself wanting to read it again after the book club. The Kindle is for books I can see myself rereading in the future. Of course, one cannot be sure that I won’t be enchanted by this and want to read it over. If that is so, I may get an ebook edition or keep this one. It is a translation by Robert Fagle and the same one that Janice, the book club leader, has. She said it is chock full of footnotes and good explanations. If I decide not to keep it, it will go into freecycle offerings bag. I bought it second-hand from one of the Amazon sellers and the postage was more than the book!

I have spent a large part of today watching "2001: A Space Odyssey." It has the long and boring but beautiful-to-see sections I remember and the wonderul but deadly computer which made a big impression on me when I first saw it many years ago. {My sister’s computer room had a sign on the door saying "Hal’s Room."} One thing I noticed this time around is how intensely uncomfortable some of the background dissonant "music" makes me feel now. Actually, I have noticed that I am made quite physically uncomfortable and jumpy by any kind of loud noises as I have gotten older. So, I actually had to turn off the music at times while I was watching this DVD. While I am thinking about it, I was quite impressed by the absence of any sound in the parts of this movie in which we were watching the space ships because of course, this is how it would be really. No air, no sound!

I just got back from a short walk. The temperature is 62 F. but with a nasty little chilly wind. I only walked around the block but that was better than nothing. I really need to get out early when I have a little energy and can walk a little further. Talking about walking, my stress test is on Tuesday! {You can see the connection, right?}

I was scheduled for a massage this Saturday but Beth called and we rescheduled to a week later. She has a nasty cold and I am glad she called and didn’t keep the appointment and give me the cold!

I have finished season 2 of "Torchwood" and was astounded, and I don’t mind admitting, in tears in several episodes. What will they do next season? I have to make a big effort not to watch anything on TV that I intend to buy. Actually, this would be both "Dr. Who" and "Torchwood." They are SO much better when watched without commercials.


"There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way."

Christopher Darlington Morley (1890-1957)


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September 19, 2008

I forgot to mention yesterday that every time I hear Homer’s Odyssey, I think of the George Clooney movie, “O Brother, Where Art Thou”. It’s loosely based on the Odyssey. Funny stuff. I don’t blame you for not wanting it on your Kindle! LOL

September 19, 2008

Did you know that HAL stood for IBM – one letter over…?

I do that (although not really by choice, more because of my work schedule) with several shows too. I so enjoy watching without commercials!

September 19, 2008

I have never watched 2001: A Space Odyssey! I did read the book….and was LOVING it, clear up until a certain part and then I was disappointed; things just suddenly changed in the story and I didn’t like it anymore. It was years ago and I can’t remember how it went now….but in the beginning, weren’t the people these little primitive neolithic beings? I liked them! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

September 19, 2008

i was so upset at the last couple episodes of torchwood. i can hardly wait til it comes back on. it’s been chilly here for several days. it’s definately feeling like fall. take care,

September 19, 2008

*goes to add 2001: A Space Odyssey to lovefilm rental list*

September 19, 2008

I talked to someone over in England and they aren’t sure it’s coming back. Torchwood that is.

September 20, 2008

I usually record on the DVR those types of shows so I can fast forward through commercials. They really interrupt a story. I’m hoping that the temperature will drop enough here for me to go outside and walk with the dogs. Its still for the most part over 72… not my thing.

Of course if you lived in the UK you’d see both Doctor Who & Torchwood broadcast without commercials anyway. 😉 *grins*

One thing I noticed this time around is how intensely uncomfortable some of the background dissonant “music” makes me feel now. Yeah! It makes me feel uncomfortable, and I’m 28! Long, boring, and beautiful is an apt description. I like the silence as well — the laser-blasts and engine noises you hear in Star Trek and Star Wars bother me no end. There is no sound in space! It’s a vacuum! Have you ever read the Arthur C. Clarke book? I was going to write a lengthy entry on that.