I’m here!

And I’m subbed too. 🙂 So, that out of the way, I sent an e-transfer to Bees, either her worker or myself will teach her how to receive it. It shouldn’t be that hard, and I bought myself a computer as I am using Julz’ atm. A Gateway NE51B05h. 🙂 I intend to use it for the Sims 2 & 3 mostly. Maybe the Sims 4. IDK. It’s coming soon. I have to get a tracking #. It’s really cold out which is more or less the norm for September. Summer doesn’t last too long here in Canada. It’s actually quite short… but that is ok by me. :3
Today I am going out with my sisters to Newmarket Fish & Chips. I happen to really like it there. They have REALLY good curly fries. 🙂 And they have mozza sticks too. And poutine. 😀
Right now, I need to use the loo. So… and after that I guess I will make sure that I have my bank pin ready bc I will need to take out some cash. I want something to eat also…. I guess that I will get that soon enough?
What’s new with all of you? What are you doing this weekend? Me? Not much. Just waiting for Orion (my new pc) to come I guess, the seller said that I would get it sooner than what eBay does. :3 Sooo…. and it’s got 500 gigs, that combined with my 500 gig external hd, that will be good as I can store my stuff on there. :3 So…
About the featured image. Saw that on Bing images and thought… what a conversation starter lmao!!!! I enjoy weird shit like that. 😀 😀 😀 I will take pictures of our outing tonight and put them here. 😀
You can tell I’m in a great mood eh?
That is a very disturbing image! Horrendous. I’m glad you’re feeling good and have so much fun to look forward to!
@darkmadonna LOL!! 😀 Yes! Ikr??
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that picture is very unusual to say the least! I love it
@kaliko Me too! I enjoy looking for interesting pix for my entries. 🙂
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Fish & Chips. sounds good
@ihavenoarms They have wicked curly fries. 🙂
@pearlescentnocturnemoon curly fries. have not had them in years I thank Burger King has them
@ihavenoarms I love me some curly fries. Yum! 😀 I remember Arby’s having them too.
@pearlescentnocturnemoon Yes they do to I forget about Arby’s having them too.
@ihavenoarms 😀
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