The Barbie movie…

It was cute, and the message I got out of it was, never stop believing.. in miracles, in joy, in anything really. Plus, Ryan Gosling as Ken?? *fans herself* Hot hot hot!!! Gotta love that butt. Ha! Margot Robbie is gorgeous too. She played Barbie perfectly. Absolutely. I wasn’t impressed with Will Ferrell as I absolutely abhor him. He is a ham in actor speak — an over achiever you could say…

I might watch Cobweb again, that was amazing!! Or even mid90’s. That too was good. 🙂 I wish Corey Haim was still alive bc he was the best thing to come out of Canada for my generation. 🙁

I have to take a poop. I guess that I will do that soon. I might see the Little Mermaid live action too. I am not too thrilled about that bc a redheaded colored person is unrealistic. I don’t want to sound racist… but that is just my opinion. I’m a redhead so I know.

So… what’s new with y’all???


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August 23, 2023

A mermaid marrying a human, and a fish and lobster that do dance and song routines is absolutely realistic? Mmm, might want to check your racism.

August 23, 2023

@bronner Nah. Never meant it like that. You know though…? Also on the subject of merpeople, human sperm + fish eggs? Think about it! 😮

August 23, 2023

I think the redhead black mermaid is to add some striking color to the animation. Floating long wavy hair in the deep ocean is probably not very fun but it does look very good in Korean horror films.  hehe

August 24, 2023

@starcrysta Have you seen Ju-On the Japanese Grudge?? Oh my hell, is that ever good…