Today On Your Special Day

I feel as though I missed a major opportunity in 2023 when I didn’t do anything for your birthday that year.  Granted, you and I were not close at the time.  In fact, as I think about it now, we weren’t really anything more than just acquaintances then.  In the months since then, you and I have become closer than I would have ever imagined and we have created something that even I struggle to put into words.  What we have today has transcended friendship and has become something that is truly special.  I cherish you and what it is we have created in the time that we have gotten to know each other.  I don’t think that either one of us would have anticipated a year ago that we would have ended up the way that we have.  Rest assured that I am truly grateful for everything that we have become and for everything that you are to me.      

On this day, your birthday, I want to wish you the happiest of days and all the best that this year will bring to you.  I am also hopeful that you remain a part of my life because with you here, my life has that much more meaning.  As I’ve told you many times before, I don’t know what it is about you, but trust that you have me so captivated and so completely overwhelmed by emotion that I can’t put my feelings into words.  What I feel is indescribable, but what I do know is that it feels good.

I don’t know what kind of effect you have on other people, but for me, you make feel really good inside to where I can’t stand when we’re apart.  Even when we’re together, I still feel like we can never be close enough.  This just speaks to how important you have become to me and how you managed to become such an integral part of my life in such a seemingly short time.

I am grateful to have you in my life and I hope that you will always be here, in some form or another, although preferably in-person.  On this day, I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday, as I look forward to the days, weeks, and months that we will spend together until we celebrate your next birthday.  Today is truly your special day and I want to wish you the best, today and beyond.

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart…     

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