Working, Gaming, And A Little Kissing

And with that, another weekend is in the books and we’re on to another work week.  It’s all pretty routine at this point, but this weekend was Easter weekend.  That didn’t change a whole lot for me and indeed, everything was still pretty much business as usual.

I again worked Saturday and Sunday, which remains part of my normal work week.  Yes, I pretty much work seven days a week now.  Surprisingly, I have become accustomed to maintaining such a work schedule.  I remain convinced that eventually, working all of these hours will take a toll on me physically, but as they say, I’m going to keep things moving until the proverbial wheels fall off.  With all of these days and hours I’ve been working these last few months, I’ve been able to turn in reports at a much faster rate and I’ve been able to keep management mostly off my back.  My productivity has increased, to where, as I finish my own work, I can help others with theirs without jeopardizing whatever I’m doing.  I know that there is at least one person in that office who is not only impressed and amazed by my productivity, but who I know is also grateful that I am now able to devote my time and efforts towards helping her with her reports.  More on her in a bit though.

Gaming has slowed down a bit, being that I don’t have the kind of money I need to pick up any of the games that I’ve been looking to play.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t have anything to play.  As I may have mentioned in previous posts, my gaming backlog is alive and well.  I’m not hurting for things to play.  I’m just too tired to really get down and delve into anything.  I almost played Rise Of The Ronin (PS5) last week.  I installed the game and that’s as far as that went.  I’ll play it eventually.  I still need to put some money on my Steam account.  Being that payday comes this week, I think I’ll finally put some money there, since I’ll have the funds to do so.  As of right now, I don’t have anything in mind that I want to buy on Steam.  Still, I’d like to know that my account there has some money in it should I find something that piques my interest or curiosity.  Until payday, gaming will remain stagnant for me and that’s okay.

I spent a few hours with her yesterday and I’d be lying if I said that I ever wanted our time together to end.  I continue to enjoy and cherish every minute that we spend together and as has been the case for quite sometime now, I hate when we have to part.  Yesterday, we shared more moments of intimacy, both physically and emotionally, and suffice to say that we both found ourselves in complete ecstasy.  It’s almost as though we are in synch with one another that it’s almost scary with how well we know each other.  Things always start the same for us too.  Conversation.  Deeply staring into each other’s eyes.  Then we go in and our lips meet.  Eventually our tongues get involved and well, as they say, “one thing leads to another”.  If I had to choose a highlight to my weekend, it would definitely be the time that she and I spent together.  Seeing her and spending time with her during the workday is typically the highlight of my day and she knows this.  Why would time spent with her during the weekend be any different?

As I said, another work week lies up ahead.  That means that the week will inevitably include the work stuff, maybe some gaming, and of course, her.  Of those three “things”, I look most forward to her.  Yes, even gaming would take a backseat to her.

Well, we’ll see how the week goes.  As I tend to do most days, I look forward to seeing her and reconnecting with her in whatever way that will be.

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April 1, 2024

Do you play the Sims my good friend?? I’m but predictable with gaming. I do the Sims 2, 3 and 4 and Pokemon. :3

April 5, 2024

Being with someone would take over anything else. Being a gamer myself gaming would take a back seat to being with the chick that I dig. But if she’s a gamer too, damn…it’s on. 🙂 Peace.