9/11 – In Plane Site (Part 6)

This part of the film looked into the moral part of the conspiracy, such as the stripping of rights via the Patriot Act and the formation of Homeland Security. I happen to agree that when it comes to inacting these bills and pumping out a lot of money into wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, the government had a lot of motive to want something like 9/11 to happen in the first place. I’m not saying for sure it was them, but if these planes were not commerical, wouldn’t that rule out the terrorists with the box cutter story? Wouldn’t that open a new can of worms for questions we never considered before:

1) If it was indeed a cargo plane or military craft that hit the towers instead of commerical airliners, than what happened to the commercial flights that were supposed to have crashed into them? Where did they and their hundreds of passengers go? Are they dead? Have they been relocated or silenced?

2) Would the fact that these are military craft be the explaination to why they were not shot down as per regulations for hijiacked aircrafts?

3) Was this a military operation or 3rd party private planes that were being used to administer these attacks? Who would have access to planes this massive to conduct such an operation?

4) Is this why Bush wasn’t so fast to jump out of his seat when he first heard about 9/11? What did he know?

5) Is this the reason why the Whitehouse did their best to stonewall or prevent any kind of investigation into 9/11?

These are a lot of imporant questions, but I know how a lot of people are going to react. I’ll be called everything from a Bush Basher to a crazy conspirator to an America hater. I’m ready for all that crap, but when I was watching this and digesting it all… I remembered an entry that was posted by Popeyechicken about these theories. He posted an article that tired to dismiss these theories as grasping for straws and without merit. I’ll be the first to admit that they are really up there and interesting. Without merit is not something I’m willing to commit to right now.

I’m in agreement that if this is indeed a government conspiracy and not the work of ‘terrorists’ as we’ve been lead to believe… this is an operation of epic porportions and that someone should have come forward by now to blow the whistle. I happen to agree that if this thing truely is as big as the video would suggest, have those involved been silenced with threats or just taken out to prevent leaks? It’s only been five years, so you can’t expect things like to to leak overnight. If there is any truth to any of this, I doubt we’ll get someone to go along with it until Bush is long out of office…

I know this can be a little scary. To part away from the official story is a little scary, even just a little bit. The idea that it might not have been box cutter welding terrorists who flew this planes into the towers or the pentagon opens up a whole new can of worms, and only feeds us with more and more questions instead of answers. But as Hamlet said when he suspected problems, something is rotten in the state.

Years before 9/11 during the Clinton Adminstration, a lobby group run by Rumsfield and Cheney wrote to Clinton asking him to invade Iraq and remove Saddam from power. When he refused, they posted a memo that clearly stated that the United Stated ‘needed’ a pearl harbor like attack to give the US a kick in the arse and get on the offensive with countries that needed invading, like Iraq. Can it be considered coincedence that they managed to have just that fall on their laps less than two years once they’re in office. When you toss in all the footage and evidence presented in the last several videos does all this reall strike us as coincedence?

Truth is no one will ever really know, but the point of these entires was not to convince or convert anyone. No, the point of posting them was to spark debate and get this issue into the spotlight and just think about it for a while. Regardless of you agree or disagree with the videos, can you really argue against further investigation? I think there is enough evidence to warrant looking deeper into the rabbit hole to either prove or disprove what is being said. While I myself am very sketchy about the New York stuff (at some of it at least) the videos about the Pentagon are pretty hard to dispute… and I can’t wait to see someone try.

Good night everyone, and I look forward to seeing the notes tomorrow.


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September 14, 2006

*thinks* Hmm… this is all very interesting… I won’t lie. I have never heard this. What station was the broadcasted on? –

If this was all conspiracy, it would be the largest and most successful in history. I mean, think of all the people you’d have to bribe in order to shut up. How can there be no leaks? Besides, considering how incompetent this govt has proven itself to be (before and during the Bush yrs) you think something like this can really be pulled off?

If there is a conspiracy by the govt, it is a bunch of people trying to cover the fact that they f-cked up, that they couldn’t stop the attacks. In other words, attempts at CYA. There’s more evidence that the govt couldn’t connect the dots and/or stop UBL, both before and during the Bush years, than what the videos suggest.

September 15, 2006

so it’s a conspiracy theory about a conspiracy theory! 😉 You know, this is all a distraction from Roswell/Area 51. We could be concentrating more on that.

How many people would keep silent? Hmm, I don’t know. When threatened with death, murdering your family, imprisonment, or just plain bribed with billions of dollars … probably a lot of people. Let’s not forget that people managed to keep the inventing of atomic bombs secret, well mostly. For the purposes of this point: secret enough. And besides, who said anything was a secret? Not a secret now.

September 17, 2006

Shuk: It’s an interesting site but it’s a damage control page, nothing more. It doesn’t even answer half the questions that are raised in the videos such as the lack of rocket fuel in the fire at the pentagon, to the lack of size in the damage made to the outer walls. As for the WTC, the site nowhere makes comments on the buldge at the bottom of the plane, or the mysterious flashes.So while the site seems to concentrate on questions about the collapse and possible warnings, it failed to look at most of the things the video did… so it changed nothing for me. And one more thing, I’m not trying to convert people but provoke debate. Why are you so determined to avoid debate and merely deny, deny deny? Are you not curious to why the rocket fuel didn’t incinerate the wing of the Pentagon, and what happened to the footage from the gas station? There are a lot of legitimate questions, and denying them only makes you look afraid to question the official story. Doesn’t this at least deserve further investigation?

The gas station footage was seized by the govt for the investigations, just like the zapruder film 40 years ago. As for the plane fuel, the site did say that it did burn up, and it burned for several hours. I am not trying to deny and deny.I think there is a segment of the population that hates Bush so much that they are looking for fault everywhere and anywhere, and have turned to the 9/11

attacks for any and all sorts of questions to say that “not only did Bush screw up, say, on civil liberties and iraq [I agree 100%] but the guy staged the entire 9/11 attack for personal gain.” I think their hatred has gotten the best of them. The only conspiracies here are 1) why are we such adamant backers of certain govts in the middle east, and 2) the govt doing its best to cover its ass

after being unable to stop the attack.

September 17, 2006

Shuk: We know the fire didn’t burn deep into the night. The photos of the office desks and monitors unsorched proved that the fuel didn’t ignite or burn. If that much rocket fuel ignited, the fire should have been ten times hotter than the fire that was actully there and it would have reduced that entire portion of the Pentagon into ash. So the reports of the fuel burning up is shady to saythe least. As for the video from the gas station, why hasn’t it been released? I’m sure if the video showed a 757 slamming into the pentagon, they would have released it that week to prove all the nay sayers wrong. Just like the zapruder film, it likely proves the official story wrong and is likley the reason why it’s not being released. Behavior like this (taking film and not releasing it) is the stuff that such theories come from… and until everything is released for public scrutiny, the government will always have to listen to these theories. Even you have to admit that there are a few things fishy about the Pentagon attack. The lack of video footage in the most secure building on the planet? Even you have to admit there had to be more than one camera!