A little video test…

Music Video Codes
By VideoCodeZone.com

Just a test to see if I can play videos on the diary site. This also happens to be one of the songs that Keith Urban sang at the Fan Far concert that Leah and I went to this year. The song has been stuck in my head ever since. It’s a cool tune, and he actually gave a great performance that night in Nashville. I could tell Leah really enjoyed it cause it made up for what was a busy and rather uneventful trip last year.

Besides the new bundle of joy coming in this year, I’m sure this will be one of Leah’s highlights of the year, which I was happy to provide for her. After all the work she had been doing with Ethan and at Daycare, she deserved to get that kind of treat. I’m trying to also save up a few dollars to treat her to something else before the new baby arrives. Haven’t figured out what to do just yet, but I’ll think of something.

I gotta get ready for work. Note me to let me know if the video works. Have a good saturday everyone, and if its a slow day, I’ll be around to leave a few notes.


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September 24, 2005

it wouldn’t work for me Peter, sorry

September 24, 2005

didn’t work for me either

September 24, 2005

Yup it works. Isn’t it the coolest site? I love posting videos from it. I’m not a country music fan, but DAMN Keith Urban is HOT!!! 🙂

September 24, 2005

I have the code to play mpg’s and avi’s without all the advertising :-)<img dynsrc=”http://URL HERE” autostart=”true” loop=”-1″>I’m not sure what the -1 is for exactly, but you can always try playing around with it

September 24, 2005

works for me.

September 24, 2005

It didn’t work for me, but I’m on Mozilla. Sometimes things just don’t work with Mozilla. If I decide to jump on IE, I’ll check it.

September 24, 2005

Worked for me!

September 24, 2005

You were happy to provide…oh give me a break 😉

October 7, 2005

Didn’t work for me either. 🙁