Emmys, dinners and a little time off OD

(I started writing this entry on Monday, but the site stopped working for some reason and I’ve just mashed a lot of random stuff together…)

Was a wet, yet very interesting weekend her on the island. I had the weekend off, and it rained the whole time which left everyone inside the house and rather isolated. We did managed to take advantage of a dry moment halfway through Saturday and take Ethan down to Rotten Ronnie’s for a few burgers and nuggets for the little guy. Ethan loves going out for nuggets and fries, so he was pretty happy, and since Leah wasn’t in the mood for staying cooped up in the house, she was cool with it as well. There were a ton of kids at our local McDonalds, so we got a preview of what future birthdays might be like… with ten year old boys screaming all over the place and acting up. Was a scary moment, but I’m sure we’ll be fine in the years to come. We had a nice quiet meal, which is pretty normal for us. Ethan is a very quiet eater, and is very polite at the dinner table. Sure he’ll do normal stuff like eat with his hands and toss away the food he doesn’t want to eat onto the floor, but when it comes his actual table ediquite, he’s quite a good boy and doesn’t act up when at the table. We recently bought him a booster seat, and he’s been even better since being allowed to graduate from the high chair to the big table with the adults. I think he really likes eating at the same table and being treated like everyone else. I think its cool to have him sitting at the table, and it also clears room for the next little dude to take over the high chair come January.

We’ll have to make a lot of adjustments for the next kid, and while we’ve made an attempt to upgrade to a bigger appartment, we’ve been put on a waiting list for a place we prefer, so its either look elsewhere or make what we have work until something better becomes available. I’m actually a little more excited this time around, cause last time I was terrified about having the first kid. This time around, Ethan is healthy and doing well, so we have a little more confidence in our abilities… so we’re not as scared for the next child as we were about Ethan. I used to be kept up late sometimes, having nightmares about what a horrible parent I would be before Ethan came along, and while I am still a little more confident about Leah and I and our role as parents… I sometimes still have those moments. I’m always going to be watching on eggshells around my kids,

I’ve been having some issue with Open Diary not working, but the DM says its a DNS thing, which is all right. As long as all my entries are here when I get back, I’m cool. As long as its not another asshole hacking and deleting our entries, I’m okay with a little down time. I can always use my trusty wordpad until all is well again and just cut & paste whenever the site comes back up. So later if the site is still working after House and INXS Rockstar is over, I might post again, if not… I’ll do something tomorrow between cooking a cleaning on my day off.

As many didn’t hesitate to point out, I was a tad off with my Emmy preditions. Tis very normal… cause the Emmys over the last while have been very hard to pin down. I have more luck with the Oscars, but no need to worry… I put no money down on this week’s Emmys. I took part in a pool, but didn’t do too well there either. It was an entertaining Emmys though, and I was actually very happy with the winners. Patricia Arquette for Medium was awesome and well deserved. She is that show, and it would fall apart without her. I watched the season premiere last night, and it was off the charts. Hopefully her Emmy win helped them with the ratings. It was a good episode and if you missed it, you’re missing out on one of the better new shows out there right now…

So that’s it for now. I’ve got to get ready for shows. Hope everyone is doing all right and I’ll be around. Especially tomorrow…


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September 21, 2005

Talking about getting a new appartment. Taka finally got a new one (lol, it was actually lucky because all the other people who wanted it didn’t get the e-mail for the visiting appointment because it got stuck in their spam filter 😉 ). I hope he can move in sometime next week, but we’ll see. Good luck for you there!!

October 7, 2005

HOUSE!!! I love that show!!