Extremely small update

I’m doing all right here, writing away and watching the kids and what not. As of right now I’m hanging around 35,000 words… which is still a bit behind. I’ve only got 5 days to shell out 15,000 words. I think it’s possible and I’m going to give it my best shot. Tomorrow morning, I’m going to at least try to pump out 5,000. Should be no problem… and then I’ll have four days at around 2,000 a piece. No sweat.

The kids have been pretty cool, and are doing all right. Ethan is going to be kept home from school tomorrow. The have an early dismissal and I don’t see the point of sending him in toonly be there two hours instead of five. It would mess with Ethan’s routine and make for a bad day… so for that I’m going to save us all a lot of trouble and let him hang out here with his brother and stay in the warm indoors.

They’re calling for freezing rain tomorrow morning… as if I needed another reason to stay indoors and write. I managed to also get a bit of Xmas shopping done over the weekend, but not too much. Next week I’m going to get my brothers and Dad taken care of, and then get something for Jon. Leah already got some awesome toys for Ethan that he’s gonna love. What is really interesting is Ethan loves to play with toy animals and dinosaurs. Jonathan is into playing with anything that has wheels, like cars, trucks and other cool rollers. Interesting to see such a huge difference in preferance…

So that’s it in a nutshell. It’s Nanowrimo crunch time and I’m going to be silent again until I finish this thing off. I’ve procrastinated long enough and it’s time to rool up the sleeves and polish off the first 50,000 words. I think this book is capable like the last of going much, much further but I’ll take care of that later after I take a break when the first 50K is done.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and I’ll be back later this week!


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November 25, 2007
November 25, 2007

Seems like an amazing feat- 50K in a month. Good luck finishing up the first part 🙂

November 26, 2007

after reading this I had to get up and go check my kids’ school calender to make sure it wasn’t an early dismissal day here too, it’s not, we dont’ have them this year it seems, woohoo! good luck with the writing, I’m sure you’ll do it!

You can do it! You’re almost there. 🙂

November 26, 2007

Sounds like your doing good with the writting. Keep up the good work and with that kind of weather staying indoors and writting shouldn’t be to hard to do.

November 27, 2007

“If the Dems controls all three branches, we’d see a wide sweep that would reverse all of Bush’s policies.” I hope you’re right but I see absolutely no basis for such optimism. If true, and I don’t doubt it, it’s proving yet again that these nitwits (Dems) are more concerned with their own a**es than the good of the country (and world). That alone should completely discredit them.

November 28, 2007

RYN: The difference is that Republicans have a spine (for bad things, mind you, but a spine nonetheless) and Democrats don’t. I’d counter your assertion by referring to what happened when Clinton took power. What changed? A little nibbling around the edges here and there but nothing as substantial as your hope suggests. In fact, I’ve heard it argued quite convincingly that Clinton completed the

November 28, 2007

Reagan Revolution (just as Tony Blair completed Thatcherism). Clinton put a nice facade on neo-liberalism to make it appear more palatable but he didn’t fundamentally change anything. When you consider that the probable Dem nominee is going to be his wife and accomplice… As I said, I hope to heck you’re right and I’m wrong. But I’m not counting on it.

November 29, 2007

You can do it! Keep going! There’s still plenty of quality time left to spend with your novel. 🙂