Growing like weeds…

Time flies when you’re having run… and this summer has been no different. Can you believe it’s September already? The football season is into full swing and now we’re getting into the homestretch of 2023. Now that were getting into the later months of the year, that means we have some birthdays coming soon. Ethan has one coming this Thursday, I have one in late October, and poor Jonathan has his birthday five days before Xmas. My Kit Kat is the opposite as her year turns over in June… but I digress… let’s look forward rather than back.

The Alice Cooper concert was cancelled due to Ethan expressing that he didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to go without Ethan, so I passed the tickets to my brother Chris and he took a friend with him. So, to celebrate his birthday instead I’m going to take him and his sister to something special this weekend, and a show that is more suited to his tastes. I’ll post details after the thing goes through… but Ethan’s B-day this week is a bit special, cause he celebrates the bit two zero. That’s right, Ethan is TWENTY this week! Two decades! Where did all the time go??

It feels like yesterday that I was right here on OD, making a small entry to announce the birth of my first child. It was a wild day, and one that I will never forget as I entered into the world of parenthood. Now my little boy is a man, and a tall one too!

Ethan is the only one growing like a weed, as his little sister started Kindergarten last week. Yes, Katherine is now going to school! Check out this awesome get up for her first day!

Kat is also attending the very same school that both Ethan and Jonathan attended for their kindergarten years. Talk about coincidence, eh? Jon had a lot of problems with both years of kindergarten, but I don’t anticipate any problems with Kat as that was more than 14 years ago and I don’t think most of the people present for those issue work there anymore. I think Kat will do just find and her first few days appear to indicate that.

With the summer in our rear view mirror, I am making plans for both work and fun as the winter slowly creeps our way. I’ve got a few novels and a boat load of comic books to finish soon, and I also have Nano coming very close, so that’s another intense month of writing that I am looking forward to as well.

There is one novel that I’m currently working on that is looking sooooo good, that I’m not going to self publish it like the last several books I’ve done. This is a novel that is too good to take that route, so I’m going to enter the gauntlet of traditional publishing again and start sending queries out when this project is completed. I hate this process, but I’ll start looking for agents and publishers again for this one novel, but I will still do my usual for other projects while waiting for that slow, slow process to grind things out.

There are also two other novels I’m working on that could bring in some extra cabbage for yours truly. I’m going to submit a Sci-fi novel I’ve been penning for a contest that has a pretty sweet prize. I’m also just about finished a cheeky romance novel that I am going to submit for Harlequin for formal publication. For that company you don’t need an agent and can directly submit your work to the company. I have oodles of ideas in that genre so if they pay me I will go back to tap that well often and line thy pockets till they’re packed.

So, that’s it for now… you’re all caught up. I’ll try to get back her soon and update you all again later. Until then everyone take care of one another and I’ll catch you on the flip side.



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September 23, 2023

She sure is a cutie!

Hard to believe you have young adults, time just flies!