King George caught in yet another lie…

When you see a title like that, I guess the first thing one might say is “Tell me something I don’t know?” That kind of frustration with the current adminstration is common but this lie really upset me to the point where I felt the need to express my anger not only for discovering the lie, but the the fact that I had to get it from the media in EUROPE. Watch the following video and tell me if there is something weird about it:

Doesn’t seem too bad doesn’t it? It’s a video of world leaders sharing a drink at the G8 summit last year. This should be a good thing, right? World leaders getting together, talking world stuff, fixing world problems, breaking bread, etc. There’s just one problem, one tiny little hiccup: one of the people sitting at that table is supposed to be a RECOVERING ALCOHOLIC. This same person has been feeding a lie to his people that he hasn’t drank a drop of alcohol since 1986 (his 40th birthday), and yet there he is in the video… having a beer and a grand old time with world leaders. So clearly Bush’s allegation that he isn’t drinking anymore is an outright lie, and this video clearly proves it.

And according to this video, this drinking might have interfered with his duties at the G8 summit as well. The reporter mentions that Bush missed important meetings with African leaders the following morning after this clip was taken. The site it was a ‘stomach ailment’ which we all know is code for ‘hangover’… so the obvious question is: did Bush get so drunk this night that he could not function the next day? Based on how Boy George poured his beer in this clip (very messy) I doubt that was his first drink of the meeting… and to me this is dispicable. It’s one thing to have a casual drink, it’s another to be so wasted that you can’t function or do your job the next morning.

And one question for everyone to ponder. Where was the American media when George W. fell off the wagon? Mel Gibon goes on a bender and they splash his face all over the face, the President misses key meetings that could change or save millions of lives cause of a bender and no one even cares to report it. What am I missing here? This guy is drinking on the job and letting it effect his performance but unless you’re having a fling with a campaign worker like Edwards, the US media doesn’t give a rat’s ass. And Notliberal is still trying to tell us there’s a Liberal bias in the media? If such a bias existed, this story of George’s Alcoholism would have been splashed all over the place, but instead the closest source we have to hear about it from is the BBC and if you listen they didn’t even report it as negative either. They didn’t seem to have a problem with it and bought the stomach ailment story as well.

All I have to say is thank goodness this drunk is only going to be in charge for another 161 days. Hopefully between now and then, he won’t start World War Three…


Edit: Believe or not, I was fully prepared for the onslaught of the ‘non-alcoholic beer’ (NA-beer) defense. As someone who has actually attended an AA meeting or two, I know for a fact that even NA-beer is considered a big no-no among alcoholics.

NA-beer is still about a half to three percent Alcohol by Volume. Let’s take the President at his word (snicker) that he hasn’t drank alcohol since 1986. An NA-beer (or two or three) would knock out a little kid who’s never drank, which is about where President Bush’s tolerance to alcohol would be after two decades of sobriety.

Hell, try drinking an NA-beer after three months without a drink. I have and I can tell you it’s just as potent as drinking a beer that’s six percent. It left me woozy, like it was three beers.

So sorry guys, the NA-beer defence doesn’t fly…

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August 14, 2008

First of all, you don’t have the slightest idea what kind of beer Bush is drinking. Second, Bush is on record as drinking non-alcoholic beer. Odds are, that’s what he’s drinking.

August 14, 2008

As someone who used to drink it regularly, the logo on the beer bottle looks like Beck’s (which is a German beer and he’s meeting with the German chancellor). According to their website, Beck’s does have a non-alcoholic brew. This doesn’t prove or disprove anything but just an observation. Your last statement is spot on, whether he’s drunk or sober.

August 14, 2008

Bush has been drinking NA beer for years, this isn’t a one time thing. He’s been drinking it, presumably since the 80’s. I’ve seen more than one picture of him with a glass of beer, dating back to when he was Governor of Texas. You’re jumping to huge conclusions and as usual your hatred of Bush overtakes common sense, reason or even fairness.

August 14, 2008

You’re entitled to your opinion NL, I am certainly entitled to mine. I find it too convienent that Bush has a so called ailment the day after he’s seen drinking and unable to perform his duties. I find that shameful. And Alcoholics are told to stay away from NA-beer, it’s just as harmful as real beer, so don’t even try to say that’s okay…

August 14, 2008

You don’t have the slightest idea why he was late to a meeting. He could have been faced with a sudden emergency back home that needed his attention, his daily briefing could have taken longer than normal, he could have been on the phone with Congressional leaders working on some sort of deal, he could have had to deal with a situation in Iraq. He is the President after all, he’s a busy man with more than one issue to deal with at a time. You really don’t have the slightest idea why he was late to a meeting but in typical left-wing fashion if it involves Bush you automatically assume the worst, not matter how implausible the worst might be.

August 15, 2008

Notliberal, you’re an nieve fool. Listen to the video again… the media was told it was a stomach ailment and that the President was sick and unable to attend meetings with African leaders. He didn’t leave the summit or have to address an emergency, he just missed a few meetings cause he didn’t feel well the next morning, likely because he was hung over, not under the weather. I’m just slightly appauled that issues like world hunger, poverty and maybe even war and genocide to a back seat to recovering from a drunken bender…

August 15, 2008

At the risk of being insulted by some of your intolerant noters….. I had heard anything about this incident with Mr. Dubya though I have an opionion on NA beer. For my sobriety now of 4.5 years, I wouldn’t touch a NA beer not just because they ‘used’ to taste crappy or fake, but because the whole point of sobriety is clean living. If I get to the point of drinking a ‘fake’ beer, I might aswell drink a real one, and that, is not where I want to be. AA doesn’t ‘tell’ anybody anything, they ‘suggest’ and I might ‘suggest’ that Mr. Dubya wasn’t a real alcoholic, he might have been just a problem drinker.