New novel: The Portal

After two months of painstaking edits and revisions, the new book is finished and is now available for purchase.

The Portal is my newest novel in a genre I haven’t tapped into for a while: Science Fiction.

Because my new first beta reader is my Dad, I went the action/adventure route this time to make something that was closer to his tastes. This is the second book I’ve written after my mom’s passing and her absence doesn’t go unnoticed. Whenever I finished a book, she was always the first to read it. It helped that she loved to read books too, as she’d read as many as 4-5 per week. Her kindle was working overtime quite often with her.  So with Dad as my new first reader, he seemed to enjoy this novel a lot more than the previous ones I got him to read.

My Dad is more of a Clive Cussler, James Peterson, John Sandford kind of reader. Nothing wrong with that either, as I like the works of those writers too. So while the Douche Bag Travel Guide wasn’t his favorite, I could tell Dad had a lot more fun reading The Portal as it was something closer to his preferred tastes. I’m not always going to cater to Dad’s tastes all the time, but went out of my way this time because he’d been so supportive since my preferred first reader passed on.

So this is the new book, which I’m rather proud of myself. It’s got lots of action, suspense and even a little humor tossed in to mix things up. For a novel, this project required quite a bit of research as I wanted to make sure the times some scenes are set in were as accurate as possible. The attention to detail seems to work, as the story flows rather well despite the setting changing as often as it does since the book is about time travel.

So if you’d like to show some love and support, you can purchase a copy of The Portal at Smashwords and Lulu for what I think are very reasonable prices:

To get an E-book in all formats (for e-readers and Tablets), for just $3.99, you can get it at the following website: Smashwords

For those who are old school and prefer a printed copy, you can get either a hardcover or paperback copy of the Portal at Lulu:

Hardcover @ Lulu

Softcover @ Lulu

It doesn’t matter what format you buy, print or e-book, these books are priced in sync, so I get the same royalty no matter which one you purchase. I merely like to make all three versions available so that readers can pick which they prefer to use.

The last time I posted some links for people on OD to buy some of my works, someone noted that I don’t have any links to Amazon. Well, I’m not fond of how Amazon works and treats writers, so I choose not to work with them. I’ve been pretty satisfied with how Lulu and Smashwords works, and I’m very happy with having full control of my creative process. I can write anything I want and will never have some editor looking over my shoulder and telling me what I can or cannot write because it could offend the snowflakes. I enjoy that freedom so I take the good with the bad.

There is no rest for the wicked here, as I’m currently working on two non-fiction projects, two more works of poetry, and three more novels at the moment. That doesn’t even include all the comic books I am writing for an indie company. Needless to say, I should get back to work rather than linger here a little longer.

Thanks in advance for your support… if you like the book I hope you’ll give me some feedback.





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February 3, 2018

Good luck with your book!

March 2, 2018

I love that your dad is supportive! my dad commented on ONE of my editorials (to basically ask if I actually wrote it with no help) when I worked for a newspaper and I don’t think he read the book I wrote for my M.A. (not my parents’ style and my dad doesn’t read books anyway so no biggie)

April 5, 2018

Good luck with the new book. I’m looking for my copy now.