No school tomorrow…

I got notice from my ex that Ethan and Jonathan have no school tomorrow. The reason why is because of a teacher strike. They’re holding a one day walk out to protest a new law that’s been passed by the Ontario provincial government. It’s a terrible law that was rammed through without much debate and it basically strips the teacher’s union of the right to collectively bargin or strike. They are forced to accept automatic contracts at the end of each term with no saw whatsoever. That is completely unjust in a society such as ours, so I support the teachers and their right to walk out.

All teachers in primary schools across Ontario are doing a one day walk out to protest this new law which took effect on January 1st. So because the kids don’t have any school tomorrow and it’s my weekend, I spoke to Leah and volunteered to take the boys a day early. There is nothing wrong with extra time with my boys, so I was happy to step up so that Leah doesn’t have to skip work or pay a sitter to watch the kids tomorrow.

I never have to be asked twice to take my boys for an extra day. I’ll be happy to have a three day weekend with them and so will they. I’ve got everyhing packed away and ready for them to come over. It will be fun to have them for an extra day. I’m looking forward to it as opposed to dredding it like a chore. The boys are only going to be this young once, so it’s good to enjoy them now before that whole ‘I’m too cool to hang out with Dad’ phase starts. You know that one where the kids only talk to you when they want money…

So it’s going to be a busy weekend, but one I’m looking forward to. Incase the kids hog the computer and I never get a chance to post for the next few days, everyone have a great weekend!


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January 10, 2013

Maybe there should be an exam for politicians 🙂