The Pagan Holiday Tree…

Many people associate tree with Christmas but the fact is they begun as a Pagan tradition in the Middle East. Pagans would cut down trees, bringing them into the home and decorating them and this was centuries prior to the birth of Christ, the use of tree during the alleged birth of Christ was not introduced until many centuries later.

So when I celebrate the holidays with the boys, I don’t object to putting up a tree and decorating it because it’s just a tree and a fun activity that brings a smile to the faces of my small boys. So since I have both Ethan and Jon all week for the holiday, I went all out and put up a tree for them. And following pictures are what we have in my living room for the holiday. I think it turned out well:

(The view from the other side of the room, all lit up)

(No Canadian tree is complete without one of these from Tim Horton’s)

(If I’m going to put a fictional character on top, might as use one I like, right?)

The boys were surprised to see it when the arrived yesterday after school, I put it up on Thursday to surprise them. There are few presents under them and both Jon and Ethan have been good and not tired to open them. There are many more gifts but I stashed them in the storage room and will bring them in after the boys go to bed on Xmas eve. Yes, I’m an open your presents on Xmas Day kinda guy.

On the actual day, my older brother is taking me and the boys out for dinner, his treat. That saves me from having to cook that day and we’re going to this massive place with a buffet which should be interesting. Ethan hasn’t been to one of those before. I’m hoping he’ll use the variety to try something new and discover new foods. We’ll have to wait and see I guess.

So those are my plans for the holidays and it should be a lot of fun. Next week when the boys spend the second half with their Mother, as planned, I have offers to go see Django Unchained and Les Miserables so I have some plans for the second half of the holiday too. I got my hands on the Soundtrack to Les Miserables on Friday and have been listening to it all weekend, and I am very impressed.

I hope everyone’s having an enjoyable and safe Sunday.


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December 23, 2012

That superman on the top of your tree is superb! What are Tim Horton’s?

December 23, 2012

Middle east? I always thought the tree tradition started in northern Europe. Same with the yule log and decorating with holly. Huh… *shrug* LOL @ the Tim Horton’s ornament! That’s awesome! 🙂

I was going to say .. “I like the superman ornament”. Yes the Tim Hortons ornament is truly Canadian.

December 23, 2012

love the Superman tree topper, 🙂

December 23, 2012

I wanna go with you to see Les Miserables.