Go on now Go, Walk out the door dont NOJOMO now*3


The “Pregnant” One says she’s having an abortion tomorrow.
At 22 weeks.
I can’t help but wonder about how quick and easy these abortions have been arranged by her.
Is that pretty standard?
Is that normal?
Can you make arrangments with the clinic on a Saturday?
I dunno.

It all just seems odd and disjointed.
Like how she somehow went for being 17 weeks pregnant to 20w 2d.
How do you miss 3 weeks of a pregnancy?



Check this..
In AZ it would seem that it is required of any girl under the age of 18 who wants an abortion must have either the permission of her parents OR must apply to the courts for permission.


as far as I’m aware she didn’t have either.



NONE of her scan photos that she has provided to either me or ActionMan have Hospital names or even her name on them and she has 4 of them


She told me that the legal abortion limit is 20 weeks in Arizona.
Yet she’d found places that do them up to 25 weeks.

I am currently unable to find the state law on that. I am going to keep looking.

Will it be Strike 3?





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How convenient about the abortion, eh? I knew those bump pics were fake. As soon as I saw how she was standing etc and realised I can do the same myself.. And I’m not exactly big. Alarms went off. Silly girl. X

November 7, 2010

Yeah that sounds well convenient… I smell a rat. Some people are total loons and shouldn’t be allowed out!

November 7, 2010

Here is another thing. i don’t think you go in and have an abortion that day.. I think they go in, councel you, have you think about it and come back. Don’t quote me on that though.

Wow. Why would someone even lie about something like that? Even if its for attention why would you want THAT kind of attention? People are sick.

ryn: haha I’m not so sure that’s a fair trade….

November 7, 2010

definitely lying. i can’t believe she can even live with herself. Her karma is going to suck. i reccomend just cutting that person out of your life completely because she is nothing but poison and crap. ugh. it’s really sad. glad you’re done with it!

November 7, 2010

I hate to admit it but i have had a termination myself and believe me there is no way in the world you would be able to book in on a saturday and then go ahead on the sunday. that is total bollocks. there is counselling and check ups and such.. she is a total liar!! k xx

November 7, 2010

oh my godddd, all of this is so messed up!!