Suffer My NJM *EDIT*




This is where it might get a bit graphic…

There’s a taste of blood in my mouth making me feel sick.
My boobs asre swollen up and so sore, they are actually throbbing, Exploding Titties.
Maybe they could use Exploding Titties to fight the Taliban?
That would be pretty freaky?
Would that bring about a race of PMSing fenale terrorists?



The “Pregnant” One has been in contact…
She says that she can’t get ahold of ActionMan…
Which I told her she wouldn’t be able to this week as he’s had 2 Marine funerals, CFT, other training and tonight is the Marine Ball.
She said if she doesn’t see him tomorrow morning then the decisions will be hers, and that decision is that she will have an abortion as she can’t do it on her own.
It’s also her decision that she’ll be on her own,
she’s trying to dictate ActionMans life whilst she’s pregnant, which is impossible as if the military says jump he can’t turn round and say “Um, I can’t I gotta see baby Momma today…”
Just in the same way as I would really like him to be at my graduation but if the Military says no, then it’s a no.
We shall have to wait and see where this little twist leads us.

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November 6, 2010

I’m with ya on the crappy bloating lunatic feeling…. ITS PISH! I’m trying to just catch up on notes here and refrain from lashing out here on OD, I want to punch someone. Think I’m gonna invest in a punch bag 😀 Feel better doll x

November 6, 2010

awe, i’d love to help in booby bombs! Genius!

November 6, 2010

Oddly enough, I never had PMS, a cramp, an ache, anything remotely bad with period association. That is, until I turned 40! Cramps like bomb explosions! Just part of growing up, I guess. Advil liqui-gels works for me, dear! That and long, hot soaks in a tubby.

November 6, 2010

Oh no, that sounds like a terrible feeling! Spend the day in bed and get better if you can! Poor thing. Stupid sick! ryn: Just something to ponder. We live in a world of choices. We have options in front of us. You are smart enough to really think about your health and what you want to do, but you still have options should you choose to indulge. I applaud you on that, nothing wrong with it. But there is also nothing wrong with indulging. I wouldn’t expect an ice cream parlor to start serving fat free gelatin any more than I would want MCDonalds to change. it’s not that I think they hate their customers, I think it’s just their “brand.” It applies to so much more. Would you want a clothes store that only made clothes for young girls to be forced to carry styles and sizes for men and older women? No, you’d just go tthe places that catered to your needs. It’s not fair to bully, force, and manipulate businesses into following your whims. Instead you say “here’s where yocu an get the thing you want, and heres the options that may be better for your needs” and you let humans, as intelligent creatures decide. The more you push, the more we become robots. I will never succomb.

November 6, 2010

but please pleaes PLEASE don’t lose my first statement. I believe hyou are smart and hyou make the best choices for you. It’s awesome because you’re young and that is something rare tehse days. I pray for more people to be as involved in their life and how they treat their bodies as you. but I also don’t mind a person wanting to eat a cheeseburger every day, why? because I’m one of them. and I’m fine with it. lol. love ya. i’m just ranty these days. damn period.

November 6, 2010

Hehe, I can’t help but to giggle at the way you describe things. I just adore you! I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well. My suggestion, wine and a hot hot bath! I hope you feel better. Xoxo

November 6, 2010

RYN: lol. Ii need to go pick up a bottle, I just keep forgetting because we always have the kids with us, and i just feel funny buying alcohol when we have the kids with us. lol. Chocolate or sweets are a good helper as well!! <3