Common sense….

This will be a quick entry but it’s just something I wanted to write about real quick.





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Common sense.  We really should start a movement to have that renamed because it definitely does not live up to the common part.    Common – occurring or appearing frequently.  The name deceives you.  Common….it should be frequent.  Yet we all know in today’s world it sure as hell isn’t common anymore.  Things you see happen and you just shake your head.  Granted some things are common sense/common courtesy but still it fits.  It’s like if you’re waiting for an elevator and the doors open and there are people on it…you wait and let them get off first.  It’s just common sense.  They get off, you get on and you suddenly have more room and you don’t have to worry you’re in the way of someone trying to get off the elevator.  You almost have to tell people not to touch fire because it’s hot or that ice is cold.  That’s how lacking this world is when it comes to common sense.  Common sense has apparently gone the same route as the golden rule.  Both are a dying breed.  It’s no longer do unto others.  The world today is now screw others, treat them exactly the way you wouldn’t want to be treated.  Be a jerk.  Be mean.  You see it big time with kids/teenagers.  And I don’t buy the crap that it’s kids just being kids or teens being teens.  I spent enough time as one and spent enough time around my friends and none of us acted like the brats today.  You’ll see kids be cruel as can be but then the minute someone does it to them or their friends it’s like how dare you! 



Seriously though I want common sense to now be known as rare sense because that’s more accurate.  Think about how many times you’ll see someone do something or say something and you’re like “that’s common sense how did you not know that?”  Or you’ll be amazed when someone shows common sense.  You almost feel like you found a diamond in the rough, someone who gets it.  I hope the day comes that the word lives back up to its name. 

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