Date Cancelled

So, my second date with J was cancelled.  We were supposed to meet for Bowling and then dinner (or whatever we wanted to do) on Friday night.  She texted me around 11AM  Fri and said “the roads might be icy tonight, maybe we should cancel”.  I was upset at first (in my head).  But I totally played it cool.  After about an hour I texted her back saying I had been looking forward to seeing her but if she wanted to cancel that was OK.  Then I sent another text explaining that someone had pulled the fire alarm in my apartment building at 1AM the previous night, so I really didn’t sleep well.  So I “agreed” to cancel.  This was the honest truth.  This did happen the night before.  But I was willing to go on the date anyway, despite my tiredness.  But it was a point of agreement for me to make with her since she wanted to cancel, to show I was totally fine with it, and in fact, that perhaps cancelling would be the best thing to do.  She texted me later in the afternoon telling me what a busy, hectic week it had been and that she was very tired.  Remember, working woman, new role at work, 45+ min commute to work, two little kids, just moved into new house, fixing up said house (painting, carpet cleaning, unpacking, decorating).  So I am prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt (what doubt though, there is no doubt).  When we finalized our cancellation in the afternoon, she immediately texted me saying we would reschedule.  She texted me later in the evening and apologized, once again telling me how tired she was.  She texted  me another time even later in the evening and asked me to tell her more about myself, so I asked if I could call and she obliged.   We then talked on the phone from about 9-11PM.  I know she was tired but she wanted to talk to me.  I didn’t keep her up.  In fact the first mention she made about going to bed soon I told her good night, and we hung up.  She did say she looked forward to sleeping in.  I talked to her on Saturday and she did in fact get to sleep in and catch up on rest.

She keeps texting me, wanting to talk to me.  She keeps asking me questions about myself.  She keeps mentioning future dates.   So I’m not concerned.  It will be what it will be anyway.  She did tell me she was very nervous on the first date, and that she was concerned about embarrassing herself at bowling (I had offered her to choose a different date activity if she wanted).  So I’m wondering if nervousness played a role in her wanting to cancel.  What she doesn’t realize is, there’s virtually nothing she could probably do, short of admitting to me that she’s an axe murderer, that would make me not like her at this point.  But then again, I totally buy the busy excuse.  From most women I wouldn’t.  But I’m so amazed at how she juggles it all and what a hard working woman she is that I totally buy it.


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April 15, 2018

If she wants to talk to you, she’s into you.

The possibility of icy roads would be enough to make me want to cancel. You said she has small children; that kind of changes one’s view on taking risks like that.

Good luck!